Saturday 14 December 2019

Custom Hiring Centre कस्टम हायरिंग सेंटर

कस्टम हायरिंग सेंटर - कृषि यंत्र के लिए - किराये के आधार पर Custom Hiring Centre - for Agri Machinery - on rental basis मोबाइल फ़ोन एप्प् Mobile PHONE app
Those willing to provide their agricultural machineries & equipment on rental basis can help small and marginal farmer by providing farm implements on rent
Custom Hiring Centre कस्टम हायरिंग सेंटर

Custom Hiring Centre - for Agri Machinery - on rental basis मोबाइल फ़ोन एप्प् Mobile PHONE app - कस्टम हायरिंग सेंटर - कृषि यंत्र के लिए - किराये के आधार पर
Those willing to provide their agricultural machineries & equipment on rental basis can help small and marginal farmer by providing farm implements on rent


Saturday 13 April 2019

Fish मछली Fisheries Science मात्स्यिकी

Fish मछली Fisheries Science मात्स्यिकी

Fish मछली Fisheries Science मात्स्यिकी - Capture fisheries प्रग्रहण मात्स्यिकी (marine capture समुद्री) brackishwater fishes  खारा जल and marine aquaculture समुद्री जीव; inland capture - rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries अन्तः स्थलीय) freshwater fishes ताजा जल Finfish and Shellfish crustaceans - crabs, prawns, lobsters, and  molluscs

Ornamental Fish मछली -  ornamental finfish and shellfish species of freshwater and marine origin  


alligator gar, angel, archer, arwana, barb tiger barb n rosy barb, barb tio-o-foil, discus, flower horn, fighting fish, gaourami blue and kissing gaourami, gaourami neon, gaourami giant, goldfish, koi carps, molly silver, molly black, neon aacara, oscar, platy fish, rainbow fish (guppy), red bellied pacu, red parrot, shark tiger shark, shark silver, redtail, albino redtail, tetra fish neon, tetra fish red eye, tetra fish serpae, tetra fish widow, hockey stick fish, rasbora are some common ornamental fishes for aquarium ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली 

fishes in gardening !!! Information on fishes brings children closer to aquatic gardening. गार्डन एंड फ़िश एक्वेरियम fishes in gardening & TERRARIUM bottle Although Terrarium Bottle Glassware for making terrariums are available nowadays on online e-commerce websites such as AMAZON an some others. Colorful glass pebbles in the bottom, then some broken bricks/clay pebbles or pieces of some broken claypot over it. Add some sand and charcoal powder. Create the top layer with conditioner treated soil

aquarium fishes gold fish and black fish are interesting to observe. slower swimming goldfish species such as black moor goldfish and a typical Carassius goldfish are one of the most commonly kept 

goldfish गोल्डफिश (Carassius auratus) is a freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes गोल्डफिश फ्रेश वाटर फिश मीठा पानी मछली ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली Goldfish breeds vary greatly in coloration (various combinations of white, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black are known).

molly fish Poecilia species inhabit fresh water streams, brackish and marine waters मॉली फिश फ्रेश वाटर फिश मीठा पानी मछली ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली

Black molly is one of the most well-known easy to keep aquarium fishes 



Aquarium pumps and filters keep the water oxygenated and fresh.

Isolate any fish that appear sick and seek treatment. 

Aquariums require chemical and biological cleaning,for which external filters such as Aquanic AQ 700 are used. 

These kind of filters may not be operated in high water temperature.

Filter should be cleaned regularly

Koi fish are colored ornamental carp varieties of Cyprinus carpio कोई फिश फ्रेश वाटर फिश मीठा पानी मछली ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली Koi fish are omnivorous, they can also eat vegetables, cereal and fruits, they can be trained to eat out of your hands. Be careful not to over feed fishes. Small-sized Koi are particularly suited for keeping in aquariums. 


Koi fish are ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp fish Cyprinus carpio for decorative purposes in gardens or pools. 

They have black base color with patterns of orange. The work koi in means affection are therefore koi fish are kept as symbols of love and friendship. koi fish belong to family Cyprinidae

aquatic plants पानी में उगने वाले पौधे such as Hygrorhiza aristata, Fimbristylis miliaceae, Sporobslus indica and Polygonum globrum are used in gardening too.
Hydrilla or water-thyme leaves are arranged in whorls of two to eight around the stem with serrations or small spines along the leaf margins  Eel grass Zostera is marine eelgrass and Vallisneria is freshwater eelgrass both belong to different families. Sagittaria is known by many common names like arrowhead, duck potato, katniss, Omodaka swamp potato, tule potato, and wapatu. Cabomba or fanwort has divided submerged leaves in the shape of a fan. Hornwort is a distinctive blue-green color water plant. to the elongated horn-like structure, which is the sporophyte. As in mosses and liverworts, the flattened, green plant body of a hornwort is the gametophyte plant. It is a good oxygenating plant for fish tanks. Indian aquatic fern or water sprite Ceratopteris is an erect aquatic or subaquatic ferns of moderate size

Floating water plants such as water lettuce, water hyacinth along with other plants such as butterfly ginger, marginal water plants and aquatic grass make any garden beautiful.

Colocasia esculenta, Endyra fluctuans, Pistia stratiotes, Ipomea aquatica, Hygrorhiza aristata, Fimbristylis miliaceae, Sporobslus indica and Polygonum globrum, Scirpus grossus, Trapa bispinosa, Ceratophyllum demerseem, Jussica rapens and Salvini nutuni are some aquatic plants 

Lotus and Water Lily ....... Nelumbo nucifera and Nymphaea rubra are common seen aquatic plants. Water lily plants, pond plants, oxygenating aquatic plants and many more water plants constitute a garden with water bodies. water plant Trapa bispinosa, Ceratophyllum demerseem, Jussica rapens and Salvini nutuni are some aquatic plants.

water lilies are perennial plants and found in white, yellow or red color AQUATIC PLANTS पानी में उगने वाले पौधे water plants Dauben water lily or Nymphaea daubenyana or Lavender Lily with light-lavender flower looks beautiful

Blue lotus or Nymphaea stellata or Nymphaea nouchali is not a lotus but a water lily. floating water plants such as water lettuce, water hyacinth along with other plants such as butterfly ginger, marginal water plants and aquatic grass make any garden beautiful
Ornamental fishes in different ecosystems

1.Fresh water ornamental fishes ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली

Freshwater ornamental fishes फ्रेश वाटर फिश मीठा पानी मछली zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a freshwater fish belonging to Cyprinidae family

Moustached danio, Danio dangila is the largest of the true Danio species that reach up to 6 inches long

danio zebrafish and danio olive fish are examples of Freshwater ornamental fishes

2.Brackish estuary ornamental fishes ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली

Brackish estuary ornamental fishes ब्रेकिश एस्टूरी खारा पानी एस्टूरी ( समुद्र-नदी की धारा मिलने पर कई छोटे छोटे भागों में बँट जाती है।) फिश मछली scat are small fishes belong to Scatophagidae family. 


Mono Angelfish (Monodactylus argentus) have compressed, diamond shaped bodies and yellow fins and belong to Monodactylidae family 

scat and angel fish mono are examples of Brackish estuary ornamental fishes

3.Lake ornamental fishes (Malawi,East Africa) ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली

Lake ornamental fishes लेक् झील फिश मछली oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) belongs to cichlid family. African cichlid fish or Malawi cichlids (Pseudotropheus sp.) are dimorphic. The two sexes are different colors; the females are yellow. Some cichlids like tilapia are consumed as food fish. 

african chichlid and oscar are examples of ornamental fishes found in lakes


4.Mountain stream ornamental fishes ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली

Mountain stream ornamental fishes माउंटेन स्ट्रीम पहाड़ स्ट्रीम मछली Tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii), a tropical Southeast Asian freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae, is different from barbels of the genus Barbus, large barbs, and African barbs. Tiger barb (Puntigrus tetrazona) should not be confused with Systomus anchisporus. Rosy barb (Pethia conchonius) is a pinkish fish species of barb


barb tin-o-foil, barb tiger, barb golden rosy fish are examples of ornamental fishes found in rain forests.

5.Rainforest ornamental fishes ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली

Rainforest ornamental fishes वर्षावन फिश मछली rainbowfish are small, colourful, freshwater fish that belong to Melanotaeniidae family; danisoni fish belong to cyprinidae family  


rainbow fish and danisoni fish are examples of ornamental fishes found in rain forests.  

6.Swamp ornamental fishes (Southeast Asia) ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली

Swamp forest ornamental fishes स्वांप फोरेस्ट दलदल फिश मछली


gourami neon, gourami kissing, gourami moonlight, gourami pearl and gourami giant
are examples of ornamental fishes that can also be found in swamp. Gouramis generally are a group of freshwater fishes that belong to family Osphronemidae.

Colisa fasciata is a mosquito larvivorous fish found in Indian fresh waters; yet to be used in Mosquito Control. It is the largest gourami in its’ genus. It is an air-breathing fish since it exhibits Structural adaptation to perform aerial respiration. 

Gaourami fish गौरामी मछली ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश 

gaourami giant जाइअन्ट गौरामी मछली (Osphronemus goramy) is native to freshwater habitats


gourami neon गौरामी नीऑन, gaourami blue, gourami kissing, gourami moonlight, gourami pearl and gourami giant are examples of ornamental gourami fishes


Alligator gar fish (Atractosteus spatula) एलीगेटर गार ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली alligator gar is a freshwater fish in the Lepisosteidae family, but like molly fish they can also adapt to varying salinities ranging from freshwater lakes, and swamps to brackish-water ecosystem.


Flower horn fish फ्लावर हॉर्न ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली belong to Cichlidae family. Flower horn fish is a man made hybrid that exist in the wild only after its release

flowerhorn fish has distinctively shaped heads with protuberance or nuchal hump. Kamfa having white or yellow eyes and Zhen Zhu with prominent head flower and red protruding eyes are popular..

The Thai Silk flowerhorn fish can be metallic blue, gold, or white. It has a kamfa-type body and red, blue, or white eyes. It was believed to be a cross between White Tigers (Texas lineage), pure Texas cichlid and a Vieja
Angel fish ऐन्जल ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली Mono Angelfish (Monodactylus argentus) have compressed, diamond shaped bodies and yellow fins and belong to Monodactylidae family 


Angel fishes are among Brackish estuary ornamental fishes ब्रेकिश एस्टूरी खारा पानी एस्टूरी फिश मछली ( समुद्र-नदी की धारा मिलने पर कई छोटे छोटे भागों में बँट जाती है।)
Archer fish
आर्चर फिश ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली belong to Toxotidae family.
Acara fish कारा फिश neon blue acara or neon acara (Andinoacara pulcher) is a very colorful freshwater ornamental fishes कारा फ्रेश वाटर ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली मीठा पानी मछली in the cichlid family


Arowana are freshwater ornamental fishes एरोवाना मछली फ्रेश वाटर ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली मीठा पानी मछली of the family Osteoglossidae


Barb fish बॉर्ब ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली Tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii), a tropical Southeast Asian freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae, is different from barbels of the genus Barbus, large barbs, and African barbs. 

Barbs are among Mountain stream ornamental fishes माउंटेन स्ट्रीम पहाड़ स्ट्रीम मछली Tiger barb (Puntigrus tetrazona) should not be confused with Systomus anchisporus. Rosy barb (Pethia conchonius) is a pinkish fish species of barb

Sharks for Aquarium एक्वेरियम शार्क freshwater aquarium sharks are not true sharks and belong to Cyprinidae family 

aquarium shark tiger shark (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) belong to family Pangasiidae. They are not true shark which belong to Chondrichthyes order of Pangasidae family. While juvenile iridescent (glow) sharks having shark-like appearance are sold as pets for aquariums, full grown is used as meat, marketed as swai. It is a freshwater fish

silver shark, also known as bala shark (Balantiocheilos melanopterus) belong to Cyprinidae family is a freshwater fish
redtail shark (Epalzeorhynchos frenatum) also known as shark albino redtail or red-fin shark or rainbow shark is a freshwater fish

Oscar fish (Astronotus ocellatus) ऑस्कर ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली belongs to cichlid family. Some cichlids like tilapia are consumed as food fish.

 Oscar is among Lake ornamental fishes लेक् झील फिश मछली

Pacu पिरान्हा जैसी दिखाई देेने वाली ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली red bellied pacu पाकू मछली are Piranha like but omnivorous freshwater fish. Pacu, unlike piranha, mainly feed on plant material and not flesh. It is among Freshwater ornamental fishes फ्रेश वाटर फिश मीठा पानी मछली

parrot fish ब्लड पैरॅट फिश ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी मछली Blood parrot fish belongs to Cichlidae family and its different from other salt water parrotfish that belong to family Scaridae.

discus fish डिस्कस फिश pompadour or Symphysodon distinctive shape and bright colors Discus belongs to Cichlidae family: it is a freshwater ornamental fish फ्रेश वाटर ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मीठा पानी मछली 

Tetra is the common name of many small Freshwater ornamental fishes फ्रेश वाटर फिश मीठा पानी मछली tetra fish टेट्रा ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली tetra fish neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) are brightly colored. Other types of tetra fish are tetra fish red eye, tetra fish serpae, tetra fish widow, hockeystick tetra fish (Thayeria boehlkei) all belong to Characidae family


Rasbora fish रॅस्ब्रा ऑर्नामेन्टॅल सजावटी फिश मछली harlequin rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) is a small fish in the Cyprinidae family 

FOOD fish फिश मछली - edible finfish and shellfish species of freshwater and marine origin  
Capture fisheries प्रग्रहण मात्स्यिकी (marine capture समुद्री inland capture - rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries अन्तः स्थलीय) जलजीव संवर्द्धन (ताजा जल, खारा जल, समुद्री जीव संवर्द्धन, शीत जल) freshwater fishes ताजा जल, brackishwater fishes  खारा जल and marine aquaculture समुद्री जीव

rohu fish रोहू फिश मछली i.e.Labeo rohita is one of the most preferred carp species in the country 


black rohu fish i.e. Labeo calbasu thrives better in tanks and lakes than in running waters. Black rohu is also a freshwater fish species in the carps family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes
FISH FARMING PROFESSION silver carp and catla feed on surface, कतला Catla मुख्यतः जल के सतह से अपना भोजन प्राप्त करती है। rohu and grass carp feed on water column रोहू Rohu मछली सतही क्षेत्र के नीचे जल के स्तंभ क्षेत्र से अपना भोजन प्राप्त करती है। while common carp and mrigal feed in the bottom water मृगल Mrigal तली पर अपना भोजन प्राप्त करती है 

Fish feed normally consists of rice bran,cottonseed cake, oil cake, maize, bajra and also soyabean. 

Catla catla fish कतला फिश मछली or Bhakura machli thrives well in in all types of water bodies viz., streams, rivers, reservoirs and wetlands. Catla catla, rohu Labeo rohita and mrigal fish Cirrhinus cirrhosus are indigenous carp species. Carp fish is a common name for various species of oily freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae.

Common carp Cyprinus carpio, silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and grass carp fish Ctenopharyngodon idella are exotic sp. Common carp is a large, sturdy fish with thick scales, silver carp is a deep-bodied fish that is laterally compressed whereas Grass carp are large-bodied with a broad head and a terminal, transverse mouth. Grass carp are mainly herbivores will consume floating pelleted fish feeds 

कतला Catla मुख्यतः जल के सतह से अपना भोजन प्राप्त करती है। रोहू Rohu मछली सतही क्षेत्र के नीचे जल के स्तंभ क्षेत्र से अपना भोजन प्राप्त करती है। मृगल Mrigal तली पर अपना भोजन प्राप्त करती है
Catla catla, rohu Labeo rohita and mrigal fish Cirrhinus cirrhosus are indigenous carp species. Carp fish is a common name for various species of oily freshwater fishes

FOOD fish Mangur machli मांगुर फिश मछली or Clarias batrachus is abundant in ponds and rivers.

Often migrates to nearby inundated pools and puddles for breeding during rainy season.

Inundated paddy fields are most preferred spawning grounds. rice-fish farming reduces risk through diversification of the farming system. 
Fish in rice fields farming improves income and for fish eating farmer families it also improves nutrition

FOOD fish Singhara or singara machli सिंघाड़ा फिश मछली or giant river catfish or Sperata seenghala is a large predatory fish that is intensively fished for food. Juveniles are sometimes caught and exported as ornamental fishes. It inhabits larger rivers and lakes

FOOD fish Singhi machli सिंघी फिश मछली or singi or stinging catfish or Heteropneustes fossilis is marketed alive. Fishermen stock tanks with singhi during the rainy season. This is primarily a fish of ponds, ditches, bheels, swamps and marshes, but it is sometimes found in muddy rivers. Its' air-breathing apparatus enables it to exist in almost any kind of water 

Other FOOD fish फिश मछली basa fish बासा or baasa or Pangasius bocourti is freshwater catfish belonging to the family Pangasiidae bhetki fish भेतकी barramundi or Asian sea bass or Lates calcarifer that looks similar to basa बासा Pangasius bocourti is a species of catadromous fish in Latidae family. mullets मुल्लेट or goatfish are a ray-finned fish belonging to family Mugilidae. Some species of mullet fish or Mugil sp. or boi बोई are found in fresh water also.Sardine are sea fish belonging to Clupeidae family.It is a small, oily fish समुद्री मछली Mathi or Kavalai or Chaala or Maththi or Tarla or पेड़वे मछली Padwa or Washi machli

सार्डिन sea fish Sardinella longiceps is found in the northern regions of the Indian Ocean


Tilapia तिलपिया मछली is a freshwater fish.Tilapia sp. belong to Cichlidae family. Grey Snapper ग्रे स्नैपर मछली or Gray Snapper Lutjanus griseus fish resembles Tilapia तिलपिया मछली

food fish EEL fish machli ईल फिश मछली Spiny Eel or  tire track eel, Mastacembelus armatus is a freshwaterfish belonging to family Mastacembelidae

Fish nutrition

Fish feed normally consists of rice bran,cottonseed cake,oil cake,maize,bajra and also soyabean

Coastal aquaculture and mariculture

मछली पालन fish farming and fish processing मछली प्रसंस्करण फ़िश प्रोसेसिंग freshwater fish such as tengra, punti, pabda, chanda, illiisHilsa, boal, chital machhli, singhara, mangur besides catla, rohu 
and mrigal are preffered

fishing nets, chinese fishing nets, mono-filament nets, nylon fishing net.
Among marine seawater fishes tuna, mathi sardine, mahi mahi fish, snapper fish, raavas salmon, pomfret fish and reef cod kalava are well known

Ice block maker machine also known as solar hybrid dehydrators are available in markets for individual fishermen so that they can produce their own ice block to preserve catch fish. Generally, one piece 20 kg ice blocks can be made within 8-9 hrs मछली पालन fish farming and fish processing मछली प्रसंस्करण फ़िश प्रोसेसिंग improves income in fisheries business

Solar freezer of various capacities are available for fish retailers so that fresh fishes for retail purpose can be kept frozen in the freezer box at least 12-15 hrs. Upto 25 kg of fresh fish can be preserved in a 40 litres capacity freezer box

sun-dried and dehydrated dry fishes are sold in markets and also fresh fish is marinated and then dried. Fish pieces are kept in the marinate made of herbs and spices for seasoning. It is refridgerated for few hours and then dried. Snacks and many other ready to eat products are made from fish.

ready to serve fish curry, snacks and many other ready to eat products are made from fish

 snacks and many other ready to eat products are made from fish

Fish packaging

Freshwater aquaculture

Hatchery management

Aquaculture  ... tiger shrimp or Tiger prawn or Penaeus monodon is more common in prawn catches on coasts of India. Aquaculture of tiger prawn is done using inland saline ground waters at farmers’ field
Finfish and Shellfish crustaceans - crabs, prawns, lobsters, and  molluscs

giant fresh water prawn or giant prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii survive well in water temperature range of 15 to 28°c. Shrimp, lobster, edible oyster, fresh water mussel etc.are gaining popularity among seafood lovers

Shrimps are smaller than prawns.Lobster belongs to a different family.It is red-colored with with claws

झींगा मछली श्रिम्प प्रॉन राइस घर पर भी बनाई जा सकती है

White shrimp सफेद झींगा मछली or whiteleg shrimp or Litopenaeus vannamei is greyish-white in color. The maximum weight of females in the wild is about 120 g. The males are smaller at 60-80g. It lives in the column and prefers clayey loam soil

Lobster belongs to a different family as it is red-colored with with claws.

designer image pearls moti are used in pendants, studs and rings are produced using a technology produced by the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute.Designer mabe pearls or value added pearls of images of various shapes in the black-lipped pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, and the black winged pearl oyster, Pteria penguin is also done
moti pearl is one amongst the sacred nine precious navgraha gemstones.Nowadays,designer mabe pearls (value added pearls) of images of various shapes are produced.The price of designer pearls varies from Rs.500 to Rs.5,000 depending on the size, colour and finish.To produce a designer pearl, a skilled grafter implants a mould of the required image in the shell of an oyster.The implanted image naturally gets coated with several layers of a lustrous material to develop into a designer pearl

crabs केकड़ा kekda क्रैब

क्रैब crabs केकड़ा kekda एक पोष्टिक़ खाना Crab has a sweet and intense flavour. crab farming is a profitable agribusiness. crablets of mud crabs attain their full size and growth in about eight months. Cancer pagurus is an edible crab found at the British and European coasts
केकड़ा Scylla serrata MUDCRABS are generally cooked with their shells on. Mud crabs can also be killed by placing them in a freezer for up to two hours before cooking.........crabs eat dead fish and oysters that are found in wetlands केकड़ा natural खाए kisan ke पैसे बचाएं 

bonsai बोन्साई pronounce 'bawnsai' बोन्साइ बान्साई बोनसाई बोनसाई बान्साइ

bonsai बोन्साई pronounce 'bawnsai' बोन्साइ बान्साई बोनसाई बोनसाई बान्साइ  gardening rocks, gravel and moss are arranged in a natura...