BOLLGARD II (बेसिलस थुरिनजेनिसस नरमा) बी टी नरमा बीटी कॉटन कपास बीज Bt cotton BT Bacillus thuringiensis बेसिलस थुरिनजेनिसस बी टी बीटी मोनसेंटो US की एक COMPANY दुनियां की सबसे बड़ी बीज़ बनाने वाली कम्पनी transgenic Bt Cotton plant is developed by incorporating Bt gene into it
The seeds of new बी टी कॉटन PAU Bt1, F1861 and RS 2013 could be reused by farmers. Farmers can keep their own harvest for next sowing season. These variety have cry1Ac gene that imparts resistance against bollworm complex. cotton variety PAU Bt1 has been developed at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Cotton variety F1861 developed at Punjab Agricultural University converted to Bt by Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Nagpur. RS 2013 developed at Rajasthan Agricultural University (RAU), Bikaner converted to Bt by Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), Nagpur.
cotton pest कॉटन Cotton KAPAS नरमे narma कॉटन Cotton KAPAS नरमे narma कपास की सुंडी कीट American boll worm अमेरिकन सुंडी Helicoverpa armigera, Pink bollworm गुलाबी सुंडी Pectinophora gossypiella and Spotted bollworm चित्तीदार सुंडी Earias vitella have always been a threat to farmers
cotton bollworms, whiteflies & jassids on cotton can be managed by spraying premix formulation of Indoxacarb 14.5%+ Acetamprid 7.7% SC e.g. Kite,Gharda
red cotton bug रेड काटन बग, family Pyrrhocoridae, pest of cotton crop
विषाणु रोग फैलाने वाले चूसक कीट तेलीया एफिड aphids व सफेद मक्खी whiteflies Cotton jassid can be managed by spraying 80g Flonicamid 50 WG e.g.Ulala, UPL or 40 ml Imidacloprid 200 SL e.g.Confidor, Bayer in 100 litres of water per acre.Parawilt in cotton plants can be checked by spraying cobalt chloride @ 10 mg/ litre of water on the affected plants at the initial stage of wilting
Insect Pheromone traps for Heliothis and Spodoptera bring good relief in organic and modern farming
cotton कपास kapas नरमा narma कॉटन rui कपास नरमे की फसल में खरपत्वार kharpatwar कक्ख herbicide नदीन नियन्तरन weedicide WEED Mgt in COTTON
Godrej Hitweed Maxx 10 MEC i.e. Pyrithiobac sodium 6% + Quizalofop ethyl 4% spray @ 500 ml per acre in 150 litres of water after first irrigation, in moist soil, control annual grass and broadleaf weeds. Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC e.g.Hakama (IIL),Targa Super (Dhanuka), Pantera (Du Pont) is for grass-like narrow leaf weeds doob, chhatri ghas, swank, chiman-chara etc. in many crop
Godrej Hitweed, Pyrithiobac Sodium 10 EC, is a selective herbicide for broad-leaved weeds in cotton crop sprayed 3-4 days after first irrigation @ 250 ml per acre in 200 litres of water, in moist soil,

recombinase gene is an integral component of the “terminator technology”
बी टी कपास (बेसिलस थुरिनजेनिसस नरमा) बी टी नरमा बीटी कॉटन कपास बीज B
chemical insecticide sometimes cause suffocation if anyone sprays it without wearing the prescribed protection kit and without following manufacturers advice किसान साथियो को टाईम और पैसा बचाने के लिए किसी भी खेती की दवाई का उपयोग सिफारिश की गई मात्रा से अधिक नही करना चाहिए। 6-7 फीट ऊंचाई वाली फसल मे स्प्रे करते समय चेहरे पर मास्क व अन्य सावधानी का खास ख्याल रखे। Farmers should avoid indiscriminate mixing of chemical insecticides at their own, instead use premix branded formulations

recombinase gene is an integral component of the “terminator technology”
बी टी कपास (बेसिलस थुरिनजेनिसस नरमा) बी टी नरमा बीटी कॉटन कपास बीज B
chemical insecticide sometimes cause suffocation if anyone sprays it without wearing the prescribed protection kit and without following manufacturers advice किसान साथियो को टाईम और पैसा बचाने के लिए किसी भी खेती की दवाई का उपयोग सिफारिश की गई मात्रा से अधिक नही करना चाहिए। 6-7 फीट ऊंचाई वाली फसल मे स्प्रे करते समय चेहरे पर मास्क व अन्य सावधानी का खास ख्याल रखे। Farmers should avoid indiscriminate mixing of chemical insecticides at their own, instead use premix branded formulations