Wednesday 6 April 2022

soil मिट्टी mitti सॉइल

types of soil मिट्टी के प्रकार soil types mitti ke prakar सॉइल टाइप्स

types of soil मिट्टी के प्रकार soil types mitti ke prakar सॉइल टाइप्स

1.alluvial soil जलोढ मिट्टी jalodh mitti अल्लुवियल सॉयल consists of soil aggregate kankars कंकड़ वाली मिट्टी

sandy alluvial soil with less kankars सैंडी अल्लुवियल सॉयल

clayey alluvial soil with more kankars क्लेई अल्लुवियल सॉयल soil काली मिट्टी kaali mitti ब्लैक सॉयल consists of clayey and silt like texture soil लाल मिट्टी Lal mitti रेड सॉयल consists of sandy to loamy texture

4.Laterite soil मखराला मिट्टी makhraala mitti लेटराइट सॉयल consists of brick like texture, yellowish

5.desert soil रेगिस्तान की मिट्टी desert ki mitti डेजर्ट सॉयल consists of loose and grainy texture

6.mountain soil पहाड़ की मिट्टी pahad ki mitti माउन्टेन सॉयल consists of gravels and sand

Soil Health Card सॉयल हैल्‍थ कार्ड SHC lets a farmer know about fertilizer recommendations and soil amendment required for the farm,based on the soil test report of N,P,K (Macro-nutrients) एनपीके (मुख्‍य-पोषक तत्‍व); S (Secondary- nutrient)  सल्‍फर (गौण-पोषक तत्‍व); Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Bo (Micro - nutrients) जिंक, फेरस, कॉपर, मैगनीशियम, बोरॉन (सूक्ष्‍म-पोषक तत्‍व) and pH, EC, OC (Physical parameters) पीएच, इसी, ओसी (भौतिक पैरामीटर)

soil health card is used to assess the current status of soil health and, when used over time, to determine changes in soil health that are affected by land management.A soil health card सॉयल हैल्‍थ कार्ड carries crop wise recommendations of nutrients/fertilizers required for farms, making it possible for farmers to improve productivity by using appropriate inputs. It all begins with soil.Information on nutrient status of soil is always useful. Soil health is always important before deciding plant nutrition.Sandy soil are pale brownish to dark-brown in color.

Kankar like pale brown or dark colored old alluvial soils or bangar are clayey soil aggregate

Pale to yellowish brown color new alluvial soil or bet soil, also known as khadar soils in flood plain area is generally sandy with less kankars

Alluvial soil in coastal and deltaic regions possess dark colour.

Black soil becomes sticky during in rainy season whereas in summer season it develops cracks

Soils deep black to light black in color exhibit Clayey texture and high water retaining capacity. 

The black color of soils is due to superficial rock iron rich organic matter content.

A soil is usually yellow or brown in color but redness of soil is due to high iron content.Red soils develop on crystalline rocks by prolonged weathering in hot climate.Red soils are sandy to loamy in texture

Red soil is thought to have been formed due to weathering of igneous and metamorphic rocks which have been broken into small minute particles over billions of years

Laterite soil लेटराइट मिट्टी or मखराला मिट्टी is a red brick like or yellowish red soil produced by rock decay.

Laterite soils are formed due to in­tense leaching and are well developed on the sum­mits of hills and uplands

Desert soils are deposited mainly by wind activities and are generally sandy and deficient in organic matter.These soils are loose and grainy,normally infertile but management of irrigation can make these soils cultivable.Mountain soil generally consists of gravels and sand.

Sandy soils possess good drainage and aeration and are usually loose and friable and easy to handle in tillage operation.Soil containing equal amounts of sand, silt and clay is clayloam. Loamy is dark brown in color and often moist when touched.

Now. we have come to know about different kind of soils and their texture

1. Alluvial soil- soil aggregate kankars
sandy alluvial soil with less kankars

clayey alluvial soil with more kankars

2. Black soil- clayey and silt like texture

3.Red soil- sandy to loamy texture

4.Laterite soil – brick like texture, yellowish brown

5.Desert soil –loose and grainy texture

6.Mountain soil-  consists of gravels and sand

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