Thursday 20 April 2023

bonsai बोन्साई pronounce 'bawnsai' बोन्साइ बान्साई बोनसाई बोनसाई बान्साइ

bonsai बोन्साई pronounce 'bawnsai' बोन्साइ बान्साई बोनसाई बोनसाई बान्साइ 

gardening rocks, gravel and moss are arranged in a natural looking setting in the bonsai pot. 

bonsai soils are generally prepared by mixing of 70% sand and 30% compost for evergreen plants. 

For deciduous plants, a mixture 30% sand and 70% compost can be used. 

Peat moss, pine bark etc may be added according to the moisture requirement of plant. 

Aluminium wire, Wire cutters, Long handled fine trimming scissors are required for this art. Branch Cutter, Knob cutter to remove rounded lumps on the surface of branches, Trunk Splitter, Root cutter, Root hook, Bending Jack such as adjustable jack for bending the branches on bonsai trees, Jin pliers for stripping branches of both live and dead tissue to expose the deadwood, Rake (tweezer) used for teasing out roots when re-potting your bonsai, Spatula, Light pruning scissors and brush are also required in Bonsai art 

styles of bonsai 
1.Formal upright style bonsai
2.Informal upright style bonsai 
3.Slanting style bonsai 
4.Cascading style bonsai 
5.Semi-cascading style bonsai 
6.Literati style bonsai -- Windswept 
7.Broom style bonsai -- like a blooming peach tree 
8.Saikei style bonsai -- Juniper style 
9.Root-over-rock style bonsai 

10.Group planting style bonsai -- Forest like group of many trees of same plant

11.Group planting style bonsai -- Forest like BUT -- Multi-trunk -- many branches growing from a SINGLE plant 
11a.Sinuous style bonsai -- Multi-trunk -- many branches growing from a single plant 
11b.Raft style/Straight-line style bonsai -- branches rise from a single horizontally lying straight-line trunk 
11c.Double trunk/Twin-trunk style bonsai 

12.Clump style bonsai -- multi-trunk  

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bonsai बोन्साई pronounce 'bawnsai' बोन्साइ बान्साई बोनसाई बोनसाई बान्साइ 


Bonsai, a Japanese art, is generally developed from a single tree or a group of trees of the same species. 

Penjing and bonsai are different. 

Penjing, a Chinese art, displays landscapes -- naturalistic scenes that include elements like as rock, water, figurines 

styles of bonsai 

1.Formal upright style bonsai FORMAL UPRIGHT Style based on trunk orientation a straight, upright, tapering trunk of REGULAR shape 

2.Informal upright style bonsai INFORMAL UPRIGHT (Moyogi) - Style based on trunk orientation a straight, upright, tapering trunk but irregular shape 

3.Slanting style bonsai SLANTING (Shakan) - Style based on trunk orientation - the slant style trunk emerges from the soil at an angle

4.Cascading style bonsai


5.Semi-cascading style bonsai 

6.Literati style bonsai -- Windswept 

7.Broom style bonsai -- like a blooming peach tree 

8.Saikei style bonsai -- Juniper style 

9.Root-over-rock style bonsai 

10.Group planting style bonsai -- Forest like group of many trees of same plant

11.Group planting style bonsai -- Forest like BUT -- Multi-trunk -- many branches growing from a SINGLE plant 

11a.Sinuous style bonsai -- Multi-trunk -- many branches growing from a single plant 

11b.Raft style/Straight-line style bonsai -- branches rise from a single horizontally lying straight-line trunk 

11c.Double trunk/Twin-trunk style bonsai 

12.Clump style bonsai -- multi-trunk  

BONSAI plants

Ficus var. 'Panda' is generally referred as Ficus retusa, though the shape of leaves of the latter is obovate. Leaves of Panda variety Ficus is elliptic, Lanceolate - ends with a short tip 

Ficus फ़ाइकस ORNAMENTAL is a tropical tree. Ficus bonsai is a slow-growing evergreen plant. Ficus tree looks proud and intricate in the wild and it is totally possible to achieve the same effect at home

Ficus microcarpa was widely distributed as an ornamental plant. Ficus microcarpa has smooth light-gray bark and entire oblanceolate leaves.
GRAFTED ficus microcarpa - two different varieties - small leaved variety grafted on another variety with enlarged roots

GRAFTED ficus microcarpa - two different varieties - small leaved variety grafted on another variety with enlarged roots

Ficus infectoria Pilkhan bonsai पिलखन Pakhad पाखड़ पारस पिपल Wild Fig Pilkhan or Pakhad or Wild Fig or Ficus infectoria has a spreading canopy therefore is widely used in making bonsai. 

Pilkhan bonsai 



Pilkhan पिलखन or Pakhad पाखड़ or पारस पिपल Wild Fig or Ficus infectoria has a spreading canopy therefore is widely used in making bonsai


PEEPAL पीपल or pipal or bodhi tree or sacred fig tree or Ficus religiosa known for its religious significance, is a perfect shade tree for small gatherings in villages

Bargad बरगद Vat vriksha वट वृक्ष Banyan tree बनयान ट्री Barh बढ़ Ficus benghalensis फाईक्स बैंगालेनसिस is considered to be sacred

Worship of Bargad-banyan- tree in the form of vat savitri pooja is celebrated with with lots of enthusiasm वट सावित्री पूजा ..... Banyan tree kee puja hoti hai. Bargad ko VAT vriksh वट वृक्ष bhee kehte hai, so this festival is also called VAT - SAVITRI Puja in which banyan tree is worshiped

Rubber plant रबड़ प्लांट Ficus elastica was earlier used to make rubber from milky white latex present in some cells 

Rubber TREE पैरा रबड़ ट्री Commercial production rubber is obtained from Hevea brasiliensis PARA RUBBER TREE belonging to Euphorbiaceae family

Violon-like FIG leaf 🎻 fiddle-leaf fig फिडल लीफ फिग Ficus lyrata belongs to mulberry and fig family Moraceae. 

The leaves have broad apex and narrow middle, resembling a fiddle violin or lyre musical instrument, with a leathery texture, prominent veins 

Violon-like FIG leaf 🎻 fiddle-leaf fig फिडल लीफ फिग Ficus lyrata belongs to mulberry and fig family 

Makhan Katori Ficus माखन कटोरी Krishna Fig or Ficus benghalensis var. krishnae The unique feature of the tree is that the leaves have a pocket-like fold at the base. Because of cone shaped leaves it's also called ‘Makkhan Katori’ (butter cup) Krishndona (Ficus krishnae); rare and endangered category plant 

Ficus benjamina bears oval-shaped glossy leaves, with an acuminate tip, on drooping branchlets फाइकस बेंजामिना

Stem braiding for Ficus benjamina is done to add value to this ornamental houseplant. चोटी जैसी ब्रेडेड फाइकस बेंजामिना Light gray and smooth bark is good to make a braided Ficus benjamina 

Malpighia coccigera or Wax Malpighia or Singapore holly or dwarf holly is not a true holly (genus Ilex)


Calabash tree कलाबाश or Crescentia cujete or Kalebas or KAMANDAL कमंडल of Bignonia family has greenish-yellow flowers that are marked with purple veins and these flowers arise from the trunk or main branches. Poultice of of large bael-like woody fruit pulp Crescentia cujete is applied to the chest for treatment of respiratory problems such as asthma



Casuarina equisetifolia कसुअरिना or SARU सरू or Australian pine tree is not a true pine but resembles a conifer. It is an ORNAMENTAL TREE used in garden landscaping


KALP VRIKSH कल्पवृक्ष


Baobab Tree Adansonia tree KALP VRIKSH कल्पवृक्ष गोरखचिंच - Adansonia digitata grows into a big tree over a period of time but can be maintained outdoors in big pots for years with proper training. 

4.CASCADE (Kengai) - -  Style based on trunk orientation - the apex of the tree falls below the base of the pot

5.SEMI - CASCADE (Han-kengai) -  Style based on trunk orientation - , - the apex of the tree extends just at the level of, or beneath, the level of the bonsai pot

6. ON ROCK (Sekijoju) - Style based on trunk and root placement -Jade,  the root-over rock style -

JADE plant Crassula क्रसुला जेड or Button cactus is also an option to begin gardening in pots.

7. CLUMP (Kabubuki) Style based on number of trunks - Ficus, - three or more trunks grow from a single point.

8. DOUBLE TRUNK (Sokan) - Style based on number of trunks Jade, - one trunk is taller and thicker than the other 

Jade trees i.e. Crassula ovata क्रसुला ओवाटा make excellent specimens for bonsai due to their low maintenance and distinct appearance

9. FOREST (Yose-ue) - Style based on number of trunks Cycas, - a planting of many trees

Cycas revoluta साइकस पाम grows well in well-drained sandy soil. Cycas revoluta is a popular houseplant known for its feathery foliage. Sago palm or cycas palm is fairly easy to grow indoors. Seeds of cycas palm contain a toxin called cycasin

10.WIND SWEPT (Fukinagashi) -  Casuarina, - a tree that appears to be affected by strong winds blowing continuously from one direction

Saru सरू or Casuarina कसुअरिना or saro or Whistling Pine or Casuarina equisetifolia tree is planted as a windbreak or as fence trees that can withstand strong winds without breaking

Aluminium wire, Wire cutters, Long handled fine trimming scissors, Branch Cutter, Knob cutter to remove rounded lumps on the surface of branches,Trunk Splitter, Root cutter, Root hook, Bending Jack such as adjustable jack for bending the branches on bonsai trees, Jin pliers for stripping branches of both live and dead tissue to expose the deadwood, Rake (tweezer) used for teasing out roots when re-potting your bonsai, Spatula, Light pruning scissors and brush are also required in Bonsai art. Bonsai shaping Aluminium wire of 1mm,1.5mm,2mm,2.5mm and 3mm length are generally used to hold branches in position while they grow. Gardening rocks, gravel and moss are arranged in a natural looking setting in the bonsai pot.bonsai soils are generally prepared by mixing of 70% sand and 30% compost for evergreen plants. For deciduous plants, a mixture 30% sand and 70% compost can be used. Peat moss, pine bark etc may be added according to the moisture requirement of plant 

ornamental foliage plants ऑर्नामेन्टॅल फोलियेज प्लांट्स that can be kept as a indoor plant इन्डोर प्लान्ट घर के भीतर रखे जाने वाले पौधे indoor potted plants


bonsai बोन्साई pronounce 'bawnsai' बोन्साइ बान्साई बोनसाई बोनसाई बान्साइ

bonsai बोन्साई pronounce 'bawnsai' बोन्साइ बान्साई बोनसाई बोनसाई बान्साइ  gardening rocks, gravel and moss are arranged in a natura...