APPLE Mandi - ITC,Adani,Mother Dairy for SAFAL,Indian Railways for
Container Corporation of India (CCI) or LOCAL Market/MANDI.....Where
would u sell ur Apples this season !! Easy accessibility, transparency and control over bid, lesser fare,
nominal labour charges, no need of permanent and attractive packaging
and above all the facility of getting cash on the same day.........THIS
is what any apple Grower/FARMER would expect na !!!!!!!
Apple PROCUREMENT जम्मू-कश्मीर के अनंतनाग बाटेंगू Anantnag (Batengoo), सोपोर Sopore, शोपियां Shopian, Srinagar (Parimpora) श्रीनगर परींपोरा की मंडियों द्वारा Govt. of India will make PAYMENT directly into FARMERS' bank ACCOUNT after BUYING directly from KASHMIR
apple GROWERS सेब का पैसा सीधे बैंक खाते में seb paisa seedhe bank khate mein
How may boxes of apples (approx.20 kg) did u sell this year in local market and how many in distant markets. Apple fruit color development in warmer and lower (below 1800 m) elevations is generally poor.GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLE variety is really juicy n crispy
packing material,manpower and orchard ladder etc. should be kept ready before starting harvesting operation. Apple varieties namely Scarlet Gala, Red Delicious, Royal Delicious,Vance Delicious, Red Chief, Shimla apple, Kinnaur Apple, Red June, Gala, Honey Crisp, Crips pink, Cameo, Red Velox, apple Fuji, Ambri Kashmiri, Red Maharaji and American Trel are popular
Kinnaur Apple variety for Rs.100-140/kg were sold in retail markets of Delhi during Nov'14,Apple Red Delicious between Rs.170-190/kg and apple fuji between Rs.200-220/kg, while Shimla variety for Rs.80-100/kg
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, these are the ones which keep us healthy.What makes them good and healthy apples let's find out.Quality of apple and yield varies with rootstocks, cultivars, soil fertility, weather conditions and orchard management practices.
To prepare seedling of rootstock, seeds are sown in polythene bags and stratified during December for 2-3 months at 2-5 degree celcius temperature
APPLE flowers Tight Cluster to PINK Stage.
At the young age of orchard plantations, vegetables like cole crops, potato and tomato are grown to supplement the income. However, this practice is abandoned when the orchard starts bearing after 5-7 years to avoid competition

सेब में स्कैब बीमारी फफूंद Venturia inaequalis द्वारा फैलती है ............. शमीर, अदामा Tebuconazole 8% +Captan 32% SC सेब की फसल का फूफूंदीनाशक है It has both Contact & Systemic action against scab of apple. Fungicide फफूँदनाशी for apple orchard disease management Captan 32% +Tebuconazole 8% SC e.g. Shamir 40SC, ADAMA is sprayed at Petal fall stage or 12-15 days after Pink bud stage or at first stage of fruit development. Tebuconazole is a systemic triazole fungicide which act against a wide spectrum of diseases in many crops by protective, curative and eradicative action. They inhibit the reproduction and further growth of the target fungus by interfering in the process of building the structure of the fungal cell wall. Captan is widely used in various crops as seed dressing fungicide and for the control of root rot, foot rot, seedling blight, black tip and black spot diseases
White Dotted Red MAHARAJI variety of Apple look beautiful
CLICK for more
Red Apple varieties namely Scarlet Gala,Red Delicious,Royal Delicious,Vance Delicious, Red Chief,Gala,Honey Crisp,Crips pink, Cameo,Red Velox, apple Fuji, Ambri Kashmiri, Red Maharaji and American Trel are popular.

spraying operation should be avoided in bloom stage as it may deter HONEY BEE activity
Fruit development(Walnut size APPLE) stage is very prone to mite infestation.
MANAGEMENT of Insects Pests
golden delicious apple is a greenish yellow apple and is generally used as the pollinator for a red apple field block
पर्वतीय क्षेत्रों में villagers believe that attempt is being made to play with nature since anti-hail guns are being used before having done any assessment of its impact on the local atmosphere and also there could be some technical issue due to which anti-hail guns are not successful till date in apple orchards
Apple PROCUREMENT जम्मू-कश्मीर के अनंतनाग बाटेंगू Anantnag (Batengoo), सोपोर Sopore, शोपियां Shopian, Srinagar (Parimpora) श्रीनगर परींपोरा की मंडियों द्वारा Govt. of India will make PAYMENT directly into FARMERS' bank ACCOUNT after BUYING directly from KASHMIR
apple GROWERS सेब का पैसा सीधे बैंक खाते में seb paisa seedhe bank khate mein
How may boxes of apples (approx.20 kg) did u sell this year in local market and how many in distant markets. Apple fruit color development in warmer and lower (below 1800 m) elevations is generally poor.GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLE variety is really juicy n crispy
packing material,manpower and orchard ladder etc. should be kept ready before starting harvesting operation. Apple varieties namely Scarlet Gala, Red Delicious, Royal Delicious,Vance Delicious, Red Chief, Shimla apple, Kinnaur Apple, Red June, Gala, Honey Crisp, Crips pink, Cameo, Red Velox, apple Fuji, Ambri Kashmiri, Red Maharaji and American Trel are popular
Kinnaur Apple variety for Rs.100-140/kg were sold in retail markets of Delhi during Nov'14,Apple Red Delicious between Rs.170-190/kg and apple fuji between Rs.200-220/kg, while Shimla variety for Rs.80-100/kg
budding and tongue grafting methods are commonly used for propagation of apple
CLICK for more
सेब Indian Apples Kashmiri & Himachal Apple golden delicious
apple,Granny Smith and other green apples are generally used as the
pollinator for a Red apple field block.Fruits on pollinator varieties of
apple matures much earlier and is picked separately.It also allow for
easier picker discrimination between the red and green coloured
fruit,and this would avoid the two varieties being mistakenly picked and
mixed in the lot
Dormex is an example of 3 % hydrogen cynamide. When applied 40 days before bud break,it enhances flowering and improves fruit set.When permissible in apple orchard spray schedule. Apple growers may spray TSO (tree spray oil 4 L/200 L) or HMO (horticulture mineral oil) at 2.5 L/200L DRUM of water to manage Mite Eggs and Scale....e.g.Caltax DC(Caltex Lubricants),Orchex 796(Esso Petroleum),IPOL(Sah Petroleum),Servo(Indian Oil) and MAK All Seaon HMO(Bharat Petroleum)
MAK All Seaon HMO(Bharat Petroleum), Orchex 796(Esso Petroleum), SHELTER, LOVEN, IPOL (Sah Petroleum), Servo(Indian Oil), HPCL’TSO, Caltax DC(Caltex Lubricants) and IOCL spray oil etc Servo oil, Agrospray Orchard, Loveen30, Agro Emulsion, IPOL Orchard, D-C-TornPlus, Shelter909 Summer oil, Sparrow-888, HMO Orchol-13, Shell Mineral oil, Orchol TSO, MAK ALL Season HMO, HP tree spray oil, HRC spray oil plus HMO, HP spray oil E(HPSOE), MAK HMO, HP HMO, HMO Rilso-999, Arbofine HMO and other dormant spray oils & horticultural mineral oils are required for scale and mite pests infesting during Green Bud Tip and Tight Cluster Stages
Dormex is an example of 3 % hydrogen cynamide. When applied 40 days before bud break,it enhances flowering and improves fruit set.When permissible in apple orchard spray schedule. Apple growers may spray TSO (tree spray oil 4 L/200 L) or HMO (horticulture mineral oil) at 2.5 L/200L DRUM of water to manage Mite Eggs and Scale....e.g.Caltax DC(Caltex Lubricants),Orchex 796(Esso Petroleum),IPOL(Sah Petroleum),Servo(Indian Oil) and MAK All Seaon HMO(Bharat Petroleum)
MAK All Seaon HMO(Bharat Petroleum), Orchex 796(Esso Petroleum), SHELTER, LOVEN, IPOL (Sah Petroleum), Servo(Indian Oil), HPCL’TSO, Caltax DC(Caltex Lubricants) and IOCL spray oil etc Servo oil, Agrospray Orchard, Loveen30, Agro Emulsion, IPOL Orchard, D-C-TornPlus, Shelter909 Summer oil, Sparrow-888, HMO Orchol-13, Shell Mineral oil, Orchol TSO, MAK ALL Season HMO, HP tree spray oil, HRC spray oil plus HMO, HP spray oil E(HPSOE), MAK HMO, HP HMO, HMO Rilso-999, Arbofine HMO and other dormant spray oils & horticultural mineral oils are required for scale and mite pests infesting during Green Bud Tip and Tight Cluster Stages
This is not the kind of apple being talked about to keep the doctor away. Lets have a look at some healthy apples that too of good varieties namely Royal Delicious,Vance Delicious, Red Chief, Scarlet Gala and Red Delicious are also popular
This is not the kind of apple being talked about to keep the doctor away. Lets have a look at some healthy apples that too of good varieties namely Royal Delicious,Vance Delicious, Red Chief, Scarlet Gala and Red Delicious are also popular
Yes, these are the ones which keep us healthy.What makes them good and healthy apples let's find out.Quality of apple and yield varies with rootstocks, cultivars, soil fertility, weather conditions and orchard management practices.
To prepare seedling of rootstock, seeds are sown in polythene bags and stratified during December for 2-3 months at 2-5 degree celcius temperature
APPLE flowers Tight Cluster to PINK Stage.
At the young age of orchard plantations, vegetables like cole crops, potato and tomato are grown to supplement the income. However, this practice is abandoned when the orchard starts bearing after 5-7 years to avoid competition

Pruning should start from top of tree to downwards.Competing
branches should be thinned out. Large cuts should be covered
with Bordeaux paste. Upward growing branches should be cut back to
strong laterals. Light to moderate pruning should be done in case of bearing trees
सेब में स्कैब बीमारी फफूंद Venturia inaequalis द्वारा फैलती है ............. शमीर, अदामा Tebuconazole 8% +Captan 32% SC सेब की फसल का फूफूंदीनाशक है It has both Contact & Systemic action against scab of apple. Fungicide फफूँदनाशी for apple orchard disease management Captan 32% +Tebuconazole 8% SC e.g. Shamir 40SC, ADAMA is sprayed at Petal fall stage or 12-15 days after Pink bud stage or at first stage of fruit development. Tebuconazole is a systemic triazole fungicide which act against a wide spectrum of diseases in many crops by protective, curative and eradicative action. They inhibit the reproduction and further growth of the target fungus by interfering in the process of building the structure of the fungal cell wall. Captan is widely used in various crops as seed dressing fungicide and for the control of root rot, foot rot, seedling blight, black tip and black spot diseases
WEEDS - not only compete with our plants and cultivations,but also harbor several other PESTS and PATHOGENS. mulching with hay or black alkathene is found to be effective in
controlling the weeds in cool climates and also in conserving moisture.
Use of dry grass or oak leaves has also been found to be effective in
conserving soil moisture
yellow colored apple variety chamura from himalayan region arrives late in market. Red Velox apple is a variety from Italy now grown in apple belt.
golden delicious apple is a greenish yellow apple and is generally used as the pollinator for a red apple field block
2. selection of GOOD VARIETIES
Royal Delicious from Himachal Pradesh reach markets early than other apple varieties

Red Delicious apple variety is world renowned and most widely grown cultivar.
Red Chief variety of apple is known for its deep red skin and crunchy pulp.
Oblate shape,medium sizes AMERICAN TREL apple variety is sweet
yellow colored apple variety chamura from himalayan region arrives late in market. Red Velox apple is a variety from Italy now grown in apple belt.
golden delicious apple is a greenish yellow apple and is generally used as the pollinator for a red apple field block
2. selection of GOOD VARIETIES
Royal Delicious from Himachal Pradesh reach markets early than other apple varieties
Ambri Kashmiri is the most popular apple in Jammu and Kashmir region

Red Delicious apple variety is world renowned and most widely grown cultivar.

Red Chief variety of apple is known for its deep red skin and crunchy pulp.
Oblate shape,medium sizes AMERICAN TREL apple variety is sweet
White Dotted Red MAHARAJI variety of Apple look beautiful
CLICK for more
Red Apple varieties namely Scarlet Gala,Red Delicious,Royal Delicious,Vance Delicious, Red Chief,Gala,Honey Crisp,Crips pink, Cameo,Red Velox, apple Fuji, Ambri Kashmiri, Red Maharaji and American Trel are popular.


spraying operation should be avoided in bloom stage as it may deter HONEY BEE activity
Fruit development(Walnut size APPLE) stage is very prone to mite infestation.
MANAGEMENT of Insects Pests
What did u spray this season in Apple Orchard to prevent from Insect attack -Hexythiazox e.g.Maiden(Biostadt)or Fenpyroximate e.g.Sedna(Tata Rallis) or Fenzaquin e.g.Magister(Du Pont)
MANAGEMENT of Diseases in Orchard
What did u spray this season in Apple Orchard to prevent from diseases -Pyraclostrobin+Metiram
combo e.g.Cabrio Top (BASF); Zineb+Hexaconazole Combo
e.g.Avtar(Indofil) or Kresoxim Methyl e.g. Ergon(Tata Rallis)
fungicides such as Cabrio Top,Bayer and Clutch,PI Industries contain
Pre-mixture formulation of Pyraclostrobin and Metiram,a new generation
fungicide based on advance strobilurin technology
Main Plant Chemicals | Trade Name | Marketed By |
Captan 70%+Hexaconazole 5%WP | Taqat(TATA Rallis) | Tata RALLIS |
Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP | SAAF | United Phosphorus Ltd. |
Carbendazim 50 WP | BAVISTIN | BASF India Ltd. |
Copper hydroxide 77 WP | Kocide | Du Pont |
Copper Oxychloride 50 WP | Blitox | Tata RALLIS |
Difenconazole 25 EC | SCORE | Syngenta India Ltd |
Dinocap 48%EC | Karathane | Dow Agro |
Dodine 65 % WP | NOOR | Indofil |
Fenarimol | Rubigan | Du Pont |
Flusilazole 40 EC | NUSTAR | Du Pont |
Hexaconazole 4% + Zineb 68% WP | Avtar | Indofil |
Iprodione 25%+Carbendazim 25% WP | QUINTAL | Bayer |
Kresoxim methyl 500SC | Ergon 44.3% SC | Tata RALLIS |
Mancozeb 75 % WP | Dithane M-45 | Dow Agro |
Mancozeb Flowable 35% SC (Liquid) | Flowin- HT | Indofil |
Metiram 55% + Pyraclostrobin 5% WG (FI) | Cabrio TOP 60%WG | BASF India Ltd. |
Penconazole 10 EC | TOPAS | Syngenta India Ltd |
Streptocycline | Streptocycline | Crystal Phosphates |
Streptomycin + Tetracycline (90+10) | Cristocycline | Crystal Phosphates |
Thiophanate Methyl 70WP | TOPSIN | Syngenta India Ltd |
Tricyclazole 75 % | Force | Insecticide India |
Tricyclazole 18% + Mancozeb 62% WP | MERGER | Indofil |
Validamycin 3L | Sheathmar | Dhanuka |
Ziram 27 SL | Cuman L | Syngenta |
Tricyclazole 75 % | BEAM | Dow Agro |
Kasugamycin 3% SL | Kasu-B | Dhanuka |
Propiconazole 25 EC | TILT | Syngenta India Ltd |
Validamycin 3L | Sheathmar | Dhanuka |
Copper Oxychloride 50 WP | Blitox | Tata RALLIS |
Mancozeb 75 % WP | Dithane M-45 | Dow Agro |
Carbendazim 50 WP | BAVISTIN | BASF India Ltd. |
Azoxystrobin 23 % SC | Amistar | Syngenta India Ltd |
Benomyl 50% WP | Benlate | Du Pont |
Biorational molecule with 2.62% copper sulphate | Shield | PI Industries Ltd. |
Bitertanol 25 WP | BAYCOR | Bayer |
Boron 20 % | Liberal BORON | Ciba Du Pont |
Captan 50 WP | Captra | Indofil |
Carbendazim 46.27 % SC (Liquid) | Pearl-46.27% SC | Sulphur Mills |
Carboxin | Vitavax | Dhanuka |
Chlorothalonil 75 WP | KAVACH | Syngenta India Ltd |
Cymoxanil 22.1 % SC+ Famoxadone 16.6 % | Equation | Du Pont |
Cymoxanil 8%+ Mancozeb 64% WP | CURZATE M8 | Du Pont |
Dimethomorph 50 WP | Acrobat | BASF India Ltd. |
Dithianon | Delan | BASF India Ltd. |
Fosetyl AL-80 WP | ALIETTE | Bayer |
Hexaconazole 5 % WP + Captan 70 % | TAQAT | Tata RALLIS |
Hexaconazole 5 % EC | Contaf | Tata RALLIS |
Isoprothiolane | Fujione | Tata RALLIS |
Mandipropamid 23.4% SC | REVUS | Syngenta India Ltd |
MEMC 6% | BAGALOL-6 | United Phosphorus Ltd. |
Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP | RIDOMIL MZ | Syngenta India Ltd |
Metalaxyl-M 3.3% + Chlorothalonil 33.1% SC | ||
Metiram 70% WG | POLYRAM | Bayer |
Myclobutanil 10 % WP | Systhane | Dow Agro |
Orysostrobin | Arashi | BASF India Ltd. |
Pencycuron | MONCEREN | Bayer |
Prochloraz | Sportak | BASF India Ltd. |
Propiconazole 13.9% + Difenoconazole 13.9% EC | Inspire XT | Syngenta India Ltd |
Propineb 70 WP | ANTRACOL | Bayer |
Proxymidone | Sumilex | Sumitomo Chemicals |
Pyraclstrobin | CABRIO | BASF India Ltd. |
Sulphur 80 WP | THIOVIT | Syngenta India Ltd |
Tebuconazole 2 DS | RAXIL | Bayer |
Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25% WG (FI) | NATIVO 75 WG | Bayer |
Tebuconazole Liquid 250 % EC | Folicur | Bayer |
Tetraconazole 11.6 % | Mettle 125 ME | Isagro (Asia) |
Thiram | Hexathir (Parry chemicals), Vegfra thiram (Pesticides India), Thiride (IEL). | |
Tolclofos Methyl | Rizolex | Sumitomo Chemicals |
Tridemorph 80 EC | CALIXIN | BASF India Ltd. |
Tridimefon 25 WP | BAYLETON | Bayer |
Triticonazole | Alios | BASF India Ltd. |
Zineb 75 WP | Indofil Z-78 | Indofil |
Therefore,an apple a day keeps the doctor away stands true only when the apple itself is healthy.
golden delicious apple is a greenish yellow apple and is generally used as the pollinator for a red apple field block
पर्वतीय क्षेत्रों में villagers believe that attempt is being made to play with nature since anti-hail guns are being used before having done any assessment of its impact on the local atmosphere and also there could be some technical issue due to which anti-hail guns are not successful till date in apple orchards
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