Agriculture एग्रीकलचर
FACEBOOK/Agriculture Delhi
प्रिसिशन फार्मिंग Whenever we talk of modern agriculture we generally think of weather prediction based on satellite image of agricultural fields. Yes, this kind of information is always going to be useful to farmers in making right decision related to their routine agricultural practices. सुनिश्चितता वाली खेती Among various technologies applied in precision farming practices. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one which can be applied in precision agriculture based on satellite supported farming. Real-time advisories can be provided to farmers by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technologies on controlled irrigation, pest surveillance, crop-yield predictions

Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan आत्मनिर्भर भारत अभियान ... Self-reliant India Mission कोरोना संकट से जुड़ी हाल में सरकार की आर्थिक घोषणाएं, और रिजर्व बैंक के फैसले को जोड़कर करीब-करीब 20 लाख करोड़ रुपए का विशेष आर्थिक पैकेज है।
Five Pillars of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan आत्मनिर्भर भारत अभियान
1.Economy इकॉनॉमी
2.Infrastructure इन्फ़्रास्ट्रक्चर् - आधारभूत संरचना
3.System सिस्टम
4.Demography डेमोग्राफी- मानव आबादी- जनसांख्यिकी
5.Demand डिमांड और सप्लाई चेन
Farmers can approach agriculture information resource persons and pool of persons with agricultural knowledge who are having independent professional careers as agroconsultant or those employed by government institutions. Basic and technical knowledge is required to reach all kinds of farmers involved in agricultural production.
After B.Sc.(Agri.) degree, agriculture graduates pursue higher education in AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED SCIENCES to become agriculture specialists in various fields of agriculture science such as Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology,Agricultural Entomology, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Agricultural Economics,Agricultural Statistics, Agricultural Meteorology, Agricultural Extension and many more subjects
Agri based industry, agro based manufacturing sector or agro-processing, trading and other services involving agricultural food production enterprises in agricultural sector or any other component of rural non-farm economy (RNFE) grows with services of agriculture specialists
Agricultural productivity improve by modernization and technological upgrading.
PM once said that reducing cultivation costs, ensuring profitable prices, processing farm waste and creating non-farm sources of income are four agendas of doubling farmers’ income. Development and adoption of new scientific methods and technological applications reduce production costs
किसान समुदाए की आवाज
सरकार ने गन्ना किसानों के लिए 8000 करोड़ रुपये के पैकेज का फैसला लिया
मिनिमम इनकम गारंटी minimum income guarantee, स्वामीनाथन कमीशन सिफारिश लागू हो Swaminathan committee report implementation , कर्ज माफी waiver of loans taken by farmers सिर्फ़ इतना ही तो माँगते हैँ किसान
Farm produce is procured by government agencies for sale through the subsidized public distribution system on Minimum Support Price (MSP) recommended by the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices. CACP includes paid out costs on inputs plus an imputed value of family labour and other VARIABLE costs of cultivation in the A2+FL measurement method of cost of cultivation.
By adding imputed rent and interest on owned land and capital to A2+FL , the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices calculates C2 cost which is a comprehensive cost of production. Farmers expect higher procurement prices for their farm commodities which they find in the C2 measurement method of cost of cultivation since it includes FIXED costs (including imputed rental value of owned land). Press Information Bureau (PIB), Delhi release by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) posted on 04 JUL 2018 2:19PM by PIB Delhi on Boost to farmers’ income mentions that rent paid for leased land has been included
Includes all paid out costs such as those incurred on account of hired human labour, bullock labour/machine labour, rent paid for leased in land, expenses incurred on use of material inputs like seeds, fertilizers, manures, irrigation charges, Depreciation on implements and farm miscellaneous expenses, and imputed value of family labour
A farmer calculates returns by considering various FIXED costs including imputed rental value of owned land (estimated value since actual value may not be available (a fair market value of property while rented out on a lease is assumed in case of owned land), depreciation and interests on value of owned fixed capital assets and VARIABLE costs of cultivation such as imputed value of family labour, hired labour, value of agricultural inputs such as manure, seed, seed treatment, fertilizer, herbicide, pesticides, irrigation expenses, and rent of farm equipments, depreciation of farm implements and farm buildings, rent paid for leased land (in case of land on lease) and the interest on working capital.
न्यूनतम समरथन मूल्य का एलान MSP increased. Govt to increase Minimum Support Price न्यूनतम समरथन मूल्य दिया जाएगा
bumber crop and assured returns over its cost of cultivation is what makes any farmer happy. Let's take transplanted paddy as an example. Farmers spend money in agricultural land preparation, seed, seed treatment, fertilizer, herbicide, pesticides, other inputs applied at the time of last puddling and later 10, 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting.
किसानो को खरीफ फसल न्यूनतम समरथन मूल्य देने का एलान MSP increased since it includes all paid out costs such as those incurred on account of hired human labour, bullock labour/machine labour, rent paid for leased in land, expenses incurred on use of material inputs like seeds, fertilizers, manures, irrigation charges, Depreciation on implements and farm miscellaneous expenses, and imputed value of family labour
एम एस पी Minimum Support/Procurement Price is Recommended by CACP and Fixed by Government रुपए प्रति क्विन्टल Minimum Support Price (MSP) फसलो का लागत का डेढ़ गुना न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य (एम एस पी) देने का एलान Farmers shall be more than happy when minimum support prices for kharif crops are set at 1.5 times the C2 measurement method of cost of cultivation.
It is said that The Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices (CACP), a body working under Union ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare had projected that the cost of production (CoP) of the paddy, according to C2 formula, would be Rs 1560 per quintal in 2018-19

Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) for crops forming more than 10 per cent of a state's agricultural output in the previous year, but not having notified minimum support price, may prove boon in case market prices of such crops fall below a certain level. There is a need of improvement in the quality of raw and processed agricultural products and to promote major improvements in storage, packing, standardization and transport of agri-food products.
कृषि विकास schemes for sustainable agriculture through promotion of Horticulture,Promoting Pulses and Oilseeds in Rice fallows,Enhancing area under irrigation and achieving water use efficiency through PMKSY,Promoting Organic Farming through PKVY,Creating a National Integrated Market through National Agricultural Market are schemes in agriculture
ORGANIC (e.g. Azotobacter,Azospirillium, Rhizobium
etc.) or CHEMICAL (e.g.Urea,CAN etc.) source of NITROGEN which is a
major ELEMENT in plant growth;ORGANIC (e.g.Phosphorus Solubilizing
Bacteria) or CHEMICAL(e.g.DAP or SSP) source of PHOSPHORUS having role
in formation of starch,sugar and oils;ORGANIC (e.g.Potash Solubilizing
Bacteria) or CHEMICAL (e.g.MOP Potas) source of POTASSIUM which improves fruit quality improvement and reduction of diseases

ICAR tableau in the Republic Day parade गणतंत्र दिवस की परेड में
आई.सी.ए.आर. की झांकी मिश्रित खेती खुशियों की खेती.......एकीकृत खेती
किसानों को बेहतर आय सुनिश्चित करने में मददगार होती है। भारतीय कृषि
अनुसंधान परिषद (आई.सी.ए.आर.) की झांकी पहली बार गणतंत्र दिवस की परेड में
शामिल हुई Indian Council of Agricultural
Research participated in the Republic Day parade for the first time and
the theme was "integrated farming system for doubling farm income"
farmers shall take up dairy, poultry and aquaculture besides growing regular crops depending on the regions, land holdings, availability of labour and capital for investment.
PIC - The Economic Times 02-02-2018 p6
Improved marketing and linkage has always been in focus. Diversification of farmers' income through agro-processing sector in form of operation greem. आलू, प्याज और टमाटर जैसी सब्जी उत्पादन करने वाले किसानों को ऑपरेशन ग्रीन योजना से फायदा होगा। Operation Greens to promote value addition of perishable commodities such as potato, onion and tomat. Soiltesting programs and emphasis on irrigation will prove successful.
चलता फिरता बीज विधायन संयंत्र Mobile Seed Processing Plant मोबाइल सीड प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट mainly consists of specific Gravity Separator machine to removes the impurities on the basis of specific weight of seeds, grains and also spices. Another component is seed Cleaning and Grading machine for fine cleaning and treating of seeds गुणवत्तापूर्ण बीज उत्पादन को अधिकाधिक बढ़ावा देने के लिये और कृषि फसलों के प्रमाणित बीज के उत्पादन को बढाने के लिये चलता फिरता बीज विधायन संयंत्र
Mobile Seed Processing Plants developed by assembling a seed grader, indented cylinder seed grader, vertical bucket elevator, specific gravity separator, 20 KVA diesel generator set having central electric control panel, all fitted on a TRUCK may cost around Rs.40 lakhs
FACEBOOK/Agriculture Delhi
प्रिसिशन फार्मिंग Whenever we talk of modern agriculture we generally think of weather prediction based on satellite image of agricultural fields. Yes, this kind of information is always going to be useful to farmers in making right decision related to their routine agricultural practices. सुनिश्चितता वाली खेती Among various technologies applied in precision farming practices. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one which can be applied in precision agriculture based on satellite supported farming. Real-time advisories can be provided to farmers by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technologies on controlled irrigation, pest surveillance, crop-yield predictions
स्मार्ट् फार्मिंग smart farming based on remote sensing technology, drone applications and mobile
applications is done by connecting smart devices to the
web and is called IoT i.e. The Internet of Things. It helps in crop monitoring,
warning on disease outbreaks and pest attacks, enabling farmers to harvest
improved crop yields
किसान प्रत्यक्ष रूप से विपणन से जुड़ सकेंगे Farmers will engage in direct marketing -- मूल्य आश्वासन पर किसान (बंदोबस्ती और सुरक्षा) समझौता और कृषि सेवा अध्यादेश, 2020 The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Ordinance, 2020
किसानों से उनकी उपज की बिक्री के लिए कुछ भी उपकर (सेस) या शुल्क नहीं लिया जाएगा farmers will not be charged any cess or levy for sale of their produce -- कृषि उपज वाणिज्य एवं व्यापार (संवर्धन एवं सुविधा) अध्यादेश 2020 The Farming Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance, 2020
उत्पादन, भंडारण, ढुलाई, वितरण और आपूर्ति करने की आजादी freedom to produce, hold, move, distribute and supply -- आवश्यक वस्तु अधिनियम में संशोधन amendment to the Essential Commodities Act (अनाज, दलहन, तिलहन, खाद्य तेलों, प्याज और आलू जैसी वस्तुओं को आवश्यक वस्तुओं की सूची से हटा दिया cereals, pulses, oilseeds, edible oils, onion and potatoes will be removed from list of essential commodities)
agriculture markets in the country UNLOCKED कृषि उपज का बाधा मुक्त व्यापार barrier-free trade in agriculture -- pmkisan पीएम किसान website किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड के जरिए रिआयती ऋण देना, कृषि-ढांचा परियोजनाओं के लिए वित्तीय सुविधा, प्रधानमंत्री मत्स्य संपदा योजना और मछलीपालन को मजबूत करने के लिए अन्य उपाय, पैर व मुंह की बीमारी और ब्रूसीलोसिस के खिलाफ टीकाकरण, हर्बल खेती को प्रोत्साहन, मधुमक्खी पालन को बढ़ावा और ऑपरेशन ग्रीनproduce provision of concessional credit through Kisan Credit Cards, financing facility for agri-infra projects, Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana and other measures to strengthen fisheries, vaccination against Foot & Mouth Disease and Brucellosis, Herbal Cultivation promotion, boost to beekeeping, Operation Green etc.

Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan आत्मनिर्भर भारत अभियान ... Self-reliant India Mission कोरोना संकट से जुड़ी हाल में सरकार की आर्थिक घोषणाएं, और रिजर्व बैंक के फैसले को जोड़कर करीब-करीब 20 लाख करोड़ रुपए का विशेष आर्थिक पैकेज है।
Five Pillars of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan आत्मनिर्भर भारत अभियान
1.Economy इकॉनॉमी
2.Infrastructure इन्फ़्रास्ट्रक्चर् - आधारभूत संरचना
3.System सिस्टम
4.Demography डेमोग्राफी- मानव आबादी- जनसांख्यिकी
5.Demand डिमांड और सप्लाई चेन

Farmers can approach agriculture information resource persons and pool of persons with agricultural knowledge who are having independent professional careers as agroconsultant or those employed by government institutions. Basic and technical knowledge is required to reach all kinds of farmers involved in agricultural production.
After B.Sc.(Agri.) degree, agriculture graduates pursue higher education in AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED SCIENCES to become agriculture specialists in various fields of agriculture science such as Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology,Agricultural Entomology, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Agricultural Economics,Agricultural Statistics, Agricultural Meteorology, Agricultural Extension and many more subjects
Agri based industry, agro based manufacturing sector or agro-processing, trading and other services involving agricultural food production enterprises in agricultural sector or any other component of rural non-farm economy (RNFE) grows with services of agriculture specialists
Agricultural productivity improve by modernization and technological upgrading.
PM once said that reducing cultivation costs, ensuring profitable prices, processing farm waste and creating non-farm sources of income are four agendas of doubling farmers’ income. Development and adoption of new scientific methods and technological applications reduce production costs
किसान नाराज हैं ........... मांगो को लेकर प्रदर्शन ............ प्रमुख demands of farmers
1.स्वामीनाथन समिति की सिफारिशों को तत्काल लागू किया जाए
Implementation of Swaminathan Committee recommendations, MSP at 50% over and above weighted cost of production
2.पूरा कर्ज माफ
Blanket loan waivers. They say that 80% of loans are from nationalised banks and these should be waived at once
3.ट्रैक्टर 10 साल पुराने डीजल के वाहनों पर पाबंदी वापस
Tractors having diesel engines be exempted from NGT order, which banned diesel vehicles that are more than 10 years old
4.कृषि बीमा में बदलाव
A change in insurance scheme for all types of crops and a cover for fire and theft as well
5.किसानों को पेंशन
Implementation of an oldage pension scheme, Rs.5,000 monthly pension for small and marginal farmers above the age of 60
6.जानवरों से किसानों की फसल बर्बाद ना हो इसकी व्यवस्था
Animals like blue bulls and wild boar cause a lot of damage to crops. Want a work plan at regional level to curb animal menace
7.गन्ना मूल्य का बकाया भुगतान
Pending payments of sugarcane to be done immediately and minimum price of sugar be fixed at Rs.40 per kg
8.निजी नलकूप के मुफ्त विद्यत कनेक्शन
Free electricity for using tubewells for the purpose of irrigation
9.किसानों की आत्महत्या पर सरकारी नौकरी
One family member of farmers who have committed suicide be given a government job
10.मनरेगा योजना में बदलाव
Farmers must be consulted in any decision by the Centre to link agricultural labour to MGNREGA महात्मा गांधी राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोजगार गारंटी अधिनियम
11.जी एस टी सम्बंधित
The items used in cultivation and irrigation be kept out of GST ambit
12.विश्व व्यापार संगठन WTO सम्बंधित
Agriculture be kept out of the ambit of World Trade Organisation and it should not be discussed for free trade agreements
13.फ़सल आयात सम्बंधित
Import of crops grown in abundance should be stopped
14.भूमि अधिग्रहण सम्बंधित
All land acquisitions should be done as per the land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement act
सरकार ने गन्ना किसानों के लिए 8000 करोड़ रुपये के पैकेज का फैसला लिया
मिनिमम इनकम गारंटी minimum income guarantee, स्वामीनाथन कमीशन सिफारिश लागू हो Swaminathan committee report implementation , कर्ज माफी waiver of loans taken by farmers सिर्फ़ इतना ही तो माँगते हैँ किसान
Farm produce is procured by government agencies for sale through the subsidized public distribution system on Minimum Support Price (MSP) recommended by the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices. CACP includes paid out costs on inputs plus an imputed value of family labour and other VARIABLE costs of cultivation in the A2+FL measurement method of cost of cultivation.
By adding imputed rent and interest on owned land and capital to A2+FL , the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices calculates C2 cost which is a comprehensive cost of production. Farmers expect higher procurement prices for their farm commodities which they find in the C2 measurement method of cost of cultivation since it includes FIXED costs (including imputed rental value of owned land). Press Information Bureau (PIB), Delhi release by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) posted on 04 JUL 2018 2:19PM by PIB Delhi on Boost to farmers’ income mentions that rent paid for leased land has been included

Includes all paid out costs such as those incurred on account of hired human labour, bullock labour/machine labour, rent paid for leased in land, expenses incurred on use of material inputs like seeds, fertilizers, manures, irrigation charges, Depreciation on implements and farm miscellaneous expenses, and imputed value of family labour
A farmer calculates returns by considering various FIXED costs including imputed rental value of owned land (estimated value since actual value may not be available (a fair market value of property while rented out on a lease is assumed in case of owned land), depreciation and interests on value of owned fixed capital assets and VARIABLE costs of cultivation such as imputed value of family labour, hired labour, value of agricultural inputs such as manure, seed, seed treatment, fertilizer, herbicide, pesticides, irrigation expenses, and rent of farm equipments, depreciation of farm implements and farm buildings, rent paid for leased land (in case of land on lease) and the interest on working capital.
न्यूनतम समरथन मूल्य का एलान MSP increased. Govt to increase Minimum Support Price न्यूनतम समरथन मूल्य दिया जाएगा
bumber crop and assured returns over its cost of cultivation is what makes any farmer happy. Let's take transplanted paddy as an example. Farmers spend money in agricultural land preparation, seed, seed treatment, fertilizer, herbicide, pesticides, other inputs applied at the time of last puddling and later 10, 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting.
किसानो को खरीफ फसल न्यूनतम समरथन मूल्य देने का एलान MSP increased since it includes all paid out costs such as those incurred on account of hired human labour, bullock labour/machine labour, rent paid for leased in land, expenses incurred on use of material inputs like seeds, fertilizers, manures, irrigation charges, Depreciation on implements and farm miscellaneous expenses, and imputed value of family labour
एम एस पी Minimum Support/Procurement Price is Recommended by CACP and Fixed by Government रुपए प्रति क्विन्टल Minimum Support Price (MSP) फसलो का लागत का डेढ़ गुना न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य (एम एस पी) देने का एलान Farmers shall be more than happy when minimum support prices for kharif crops are set at 1.5 times the C2 measurement method of cost of cultivation.
It is said that The Commission for Agriculture Costs and Prices (CACP), a body working under Union ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare had projected that the cost of production (CoP) of the paddy, according to C2 formula, would be Rs 1560 per quintal in 2018-19

Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) for crops forming more than 10 per cent of a state's agricultural output in the previous year, but not having notified minimum support price, may prove boon in case market prices of such crops fall below a certain level. There is a need of improvement in the quality of raw and processed agricultural products and to promote major improvements in storage, packing, standardization and transport of agri-food products.
कृषि विकास schemes for sustainable agriculture through promotion of Horticulture,Promoting Pulses and Oilseeds in Rice fallows,Enhancing area under irrigation and achieving water use efficiency through PMKSY,Promoting Organic Farming through PKVY,Creating a National Integrated Market through National Agricultural Market are schemes in agriculture
ORGANIC (e.g. Azotobacter,Azospirillium,

कृषी प्रधान देश agriculture based country. Rs. crore budgetary
allocation to Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Ministry for the year
कृषि उत्पादो का निर्यात, ऑपरेशन ग्रीन, मछली पालन, पशु पालन, कृषि
प्रोसेसिगं, कृषि बाजार, हाट, मेगा फूड पार्क इस बार के बजट मे खास स्थान
रखते है operation green, creating fund for animal husbandry and
fisheries and upgrading agri-market infrastructure are good initiatives.
Fisheries Colleges offer four-year degree programme in Bachelor of Fisheries Science B.F.Sc. Fisheries/ B.F.Sc. Fishery Sciences
ICAR exam AIEEA PG for Master Degree course MAJOR SUBJECT GROUP - FISHERIES SCIENCE - Code 16: Sub-Subjects:
16.1: Fisheries Sciences/Fish Environment Mgmt.,
16.2: Fisheries Resource Management,
16.3: Aquaculture,
16.4: Fish Processing Technology/Fish PHT,
16.5:Fish Physiology & Biochemestry
16.6: Aquatic Animal Health Mgmt.,
16.7: Fisheries Extension,
16.8: Aquatic Env. Management,
16.9: Fish Genetics/ Breeding / Biotechnology,
16.10: Fish Nutrition & Feed Tech.
16.11:Fish Economics,
16.12:Fish Engg.& Technology)
ICAR exam AIEEA PG for Master Degree course MAJOR SUBJECT GROUP - FISHERIES SCIENCE - Code 16: Sub-Subjects:
16.1: Fisheries Sciences/Fish Environment Mgmt.,
16.2: Fisheries Resource Management,
16.3: Aquaculture,
16.4: Fish Processing Technology/Fish PHT,
16.5:Fish Physiology & Biochemestry
16.6: Aquatic Animal Health Mgmt.,
16.7: Fisheries Extension,
16.8: Aquatic Env. Management,
16.9: Fish Genetics/ Breeding / Biotechnology,
16.10: Fish Nutrition & Feed Tech.
16.11:Fish Economics,
16.12:Fish Engg.& Technology)
farmers shall take up dairy, poultry and aquaculture besides growing regular crops depending on the regions, land holdings, availability of labour and capital for investment.
PIC - The Economic Times 02-02-2018 p6
Improved marketing and linkage has always been in focus. Diversification of farmers' income through agro-processing sector in form of operation greem. आलू, प्याज और टमाटर जैसी सब्जी उत्पादन करने वाले किसानों को ऑपरेशन ग्रीन योजना से फायदा होगा। Operation Greens to promote value addition of perishable commodities such as potato, onion and tomat. Soiltesting programs and emphasis on irrigation will prove successful.
चलता फिरता बीज विधायन संयंत्र Mobile Seed Processing Plant मोबाइल सीड प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट mainly consists of specific Gravity Separator machine to removes the impurities on the basis of specific weight of seeds, grains and also spices. Another component is seed Cleaning and Grading machine for fine cleaning and treating of seeds गुणवत्तापूर्ण बीज उत्पादन को अधिकाधिक बढ़ावा देने के लिये और कृषि फसलों के प्रमाणित बीज के उत्पादन को बढाने के लिये चलता फिरता बीज विधायन संयंत्र
Mobile Seed Processing Plants developed by assembling a seed grader, indented cylinder seed grader, vertical bucket elevator, specific gravity separator, 20 KVA diesel generator set having central electric control panel, all fitted on a TRUCK may cost around Rs.40 lakhs
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