Poinsettia bears very small yellow colored flowers. Poinsettias grown outdoors may reach upto 6-7 ft high.
पॉइन्सिटीया Red poinsettia plant is traditionally used in Christmas decoration. Poinsettia red is quite popular and often high in demand for balcony gardening.
Over watering poinsettia pots inhibit the bract leaves from developing flowers.

Poinsettia fireball variety comes in various color such as red,pink and yellow.
palms पाम are important greens on every landscaping site.Areca palm,Washington palm,Fan palm,Pygmy date palm,Bismarckia palm,Fishtail palm,Foxtail Palm,Bottle palm and Royal palm add asthetic value in ornamental gardening
Zamia palm or Jamaican Sago or Cardboard Palm or Zamia furfuracea is not a true palm.Palm tree belong to Arecaceae family whereas zamia palm is from Zamiaceae family
Cycas is also not a true palm as it belongs to Cycadaceae family
Cycas revoluta is a popular houseplant known for its feathery foliage.
Sago palm or cycas palm is fairly easy to grow indoors.Its leaves grow out into a feather-like rosette
Cycas leaves are used in making background of large flower boquets and other arrangements with floral decoration
Nolina Palm or Ponytail palm or elephant's foot or Beaucarnea recurvata leaves curve downward and grow in a cluster giving appearance of a pony's tail
Raphis palm or The Lady Palm or Rhapis excelsa is in true palm family Arecaceae
It is liked for its beautiful glossy, palmate leaves divided into broad, ribbed segments
Areca Palm or Butterfly Palm or Golden Cane Palm or Dypsis lutescens serves as an alternative to bamboo screening
Pygmy date palm or Miniature date palm or Phoenix roebelenii is a hardy little palm for gardening
Washingtonia palm or mexican fan palm or Washingtonia robusta bears crowns of large fan-shaped evergreen leaves on the top of a slender trunk
Fan Palm or Chinese Fan Palm or Livistona chinensis plants whether young or mature look equally attractive n beautiful
Bismarckia nobilis palm leaf bases split from trunk at the attachment portion.Small sharp teeth-like leaves are palmately lobed,cement like greyish green color,waxy and spread with more than 4-5 ft width
Silver bismarck palm are greater in demand.It is an incredibly beautiful palm tree due to its majestic appearance
Fishtail Palm or Caryota urens start producing flowers at the top of the trunk with subsequent flowers produced lower on the trunk. Foxtail palm or Wodyetia bifurcata leaves resemble a fox's tail
Royal palm or Roystonea regia are often mistaken as Bottle palm because of the upper part of the trunk of royal palm tree. Bottle palm or Hyophorbe lagenicaulis is a beautiful palm with bottle shaped stem
BAMBOO बम्बू Bambusa bambos BANS बांस

clumping bamboo Fargesia robusta is known as fortune bamboo plant or lucky bamboo plant.A non-bamboo plant Dracaena sanderiana is also sold as Lucky bamboo.
Though, it looks beautiful when kept in ceramic pot or glass container it is not a true bamboo.
Another variety of bamboo plants,in which inter-nodes are long inflated in the lower part of stems known as Buddha's belly bamboo is a cultivar of Bambusa vulgaris
Dwarf green bamboo is used as a bushy ornamental.Woody stems with grassy-green culms produced on spreading underground rhizomes make dwarf green bamboo plants suitable for garden screens or as hedge plants in landscaping work
बांस spiny bamboo variety Indian Thorny Bamboo बम्बू Bambusa bambos is a fast growing thick-walled bamboo which may soon become giant
Giant green bamboo or Bambusa valida acts as a windbreak tree in agricultural fields.It is also used in construction mainly in form of timber pole
बांस spiny bamboo variety Indian Thorny Bamboo बम्बू Bambusa bambos is a fast growing thick-walled bamboo which may soon become giant.Giant thorny bamboo is used for its culm wood and edible shoots.Bamboo leaves are also used fed to domestic animals
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BAMBOO बम्बू Bambusa bambos BANS बांस

clumping bamboo Fargesia robusta is known as fortune bamboo plant or lucky bamboo plant.A non-bamboo plant Dracaena sanderiana is also sold as Lucky bamboo.
Though, it looks beautiful when kept in ceramic pot or glass container it is not a true bamboo.
Another variety of bamboo plants,in which inter-nodes are long inflated in the lower part of stems known as Buddha's belly bamboo is a cultivar of Bambusa vulgaris
Dwarf green bamboo is used as a bushy ornamental.Woody stems with grassy-green culms produced on spreading underground rhizomes make dwarf green bamboo plants suitable for garden screens or as hedge plants in landscaping work
बांस spiny bamboo variety Indian Thorny Bamboo बम्बू Bambusa bambos is a fast growing thick-walled bamboo which may soon become giant
Giant green bamboo or Bambusa valida acts as a windbreak tree in agricultural fields.It is also used in construction mainly in form of timber pole
बांस spiny bamboo variety Indian Thorny Bamboo बम्बू Bambusa bambos is a fast growing thick-walled bamboo which may soon become giant.Giant thorny bamboo is used for its culm wood and edible shoots.Bamboo leaves are also used fed to domestic animals
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