शहर में साधारण लोगों की साधारण थाली में आर्गेनिक सब्जी व आर्गेनिक फल साधारण कीमत पर पहुंचने मे न जाने कितना वक्त है Retail buyers of organic vegetables and organic fruits are not able to connect to individual small organic producers.
Even when consumers manage to reach organic vegetable farmers it is difficult to trust since these traditional knowledge based organic holdings are non-certified. Mountain peaks in the Himalayas that remain covered with snow is just an example.
Who will help farmers in these kind of tribal areas get organic certification from the government. They are aware too via media that food grown from seeds containing bio-engineered genes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides harms both our body and the mother earth.
Melting of snow leads to formation of rivers. Rivers carry broken pieces of rocks,live and dead plants,dead animals and their waste along its way and deposit on its banks.On decomposition of these waste material in nature, we get topmost nutrient humus rich layer of soil.
soil or मृदा or मिट्टी or sand is formed when heat,wind and rain breakdown rocks. Soil is the uppermost layer of earth that serves as a reservoir of nutrients and water for growth of a plant.

organic agriculture,integrated crop management and conventional agriculture are three crop production systems used by farmers
sustainable natural resource management, biodiversity protection and soil conservation are important for development of agriculture based communities.
जैविक खेती कोर्स organic farming course जैविक खेती as a component of एकीकृत फसल प्रबंधन (आई सी एम) and पारम्परिक कृषि are important for profitability in agriculture
organic does not just means a traditional lifestyle but its a way of being healthy

organic certification
Even after certification there could be struggle to find buyers of Organic produce. Good health can be achieved only through healthy food बिल है तो भरोसा है
when supplied with proper management practices always increase crop m productivity. ORGANIC or CHEMICAL is a matter of choice. Organic fertilizers, biofertilizes, biopesticides and organic pesticides are used. Bio NPK is a microbial formulation for nutrient management developed by
ICAR- National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms
(NBAIM). It contains consists of a nitrogen fixing bacteria (Azotobacter
chroococcum), Phosphorus solubilising bacteria (Paenibacillus tylopili)
and potassium K –solubilizing (Bacillus decolorationis) bacteria
Organic farmers are happy in growing only that kind of organic farm produce which can be sold to big companies and not domestic retail markets. That kind of produce is converted into non-perishable high profit earning food product by processing firms. This is the reason we find plenty of retail stores selling organic tea, organic spices and organic honey
organic biofertilizers such as NPK-2 (having strains of Azospirillum+. PSB+KMB) and azotobacter are safe to environment and humans.Nutrient when supplied with proper management practices always increases the aesthetic value of our garden. Organic food certifier checks that the produce comes from an NPOP certified farm and was processed by a NPOP certified processor. PGS group farmer cannot sell produce to NPOP certified processor जैविक खेती organic farming certified जैविक खेती ......... एकीकृत फसल प्रबंधन (आई सी एम) ......... पारम्परिक कृषि are important for profitability in agriculture. organic agriculture,integrated crop management and conventional agriculture are three crop production systems used by farmers
waste decomposer वेस्ट डीकमपोजर मिला क्या !!!!! Buy ONLINE ऑनलाइन खरीद कर घर मंगवाय Waste decomposer अपशिष्ट अपघटक organisms are used in compost production units
Compost fungi are nowadays becoming popular as fungi कवक are known to play a vital role as decomposers ये मृत पौधों को अपघटन में सहायता करते हैं cellulose decomposer fungi such as Paecilomyces fusisporus is generally used in the process of making compost inoculants or Decomposer organisms or compost fungi कवक स्रोत अपशिष्ट अपघटक fungi based waste decomposer can be prepared by various methods
Agri input products suitable for sustainable agriculture are used in organic farming also. पौध वृद्धि प्रोत्साहक इफको सागरिका समुद्री जल में उगने वाले पौधों से प्राप्त होता हैं plant growth promoter IFFCO
sagarika is derived from Red Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii)
Seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (a marine plant) based extracts are other examples of plant enzyme used for better growth and productivity. Biovita (PI Industries), Zymegold (Godrej) and Nanozim (Biostadt) are some brand names
Even when consumers manage to reach organic vegetable farmers it is difficult to trust since these traditional knowledge based organic holdings are non-certified. Mountain peaks in the Himalayas that remain covered with snow is just an example.
Who will help farmers in these kind of tribal areas get organic certification from the government. They are aware too via media that food grown from seeds containing bio-engineered genes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides harms both our body and the mother earth.
Melting of snow leads to formation of rivers. Rivers carry broken pieces of rocks,live and dead plants,dead animals and their waste along its way and deposit on its banks.On decomposition of these waste material in nature, we get topmost nutrient humus rich layer of soil.
soil or मृदा or मिट्टी or sand is formed when heat,wind and rain breakdown rocks. Soil is the uppermost layer of earth that serves as a reservoir of nutrients and water for growth of a plant.

organic agriculture,integrated crop management and conventional agriculture are three crop production systems used by farmers
sustainable natural resource management, biodiversity protection and soil conservation are important for development of agriculture based communities.
जैविक खेती कोर्स organic farming course जैविक खेती as a component of एकीकृत फसल प्रबंधन (आई सी एम) and पारम्परिक कृषि are important for profitability in agriculture
organic does not just means a traditional lifestyle but its a way of being healthy
Even after certification there could be struggle to find buyers of Organic produce. Good health can be achieved only through healthy food बिल है तो भरोसा है
Organic farmers are happy in growing only that kind of organic farm produce which can be sold to big companies and not domestic retail markets. That kind of produce is converted into non-perishable high profit earning food product by processing firms. This is the reason we find plenty of retail stores selling organic tea, organic spices and organic honey
Potash पोटाश Potassium पोटैशियम Potassium is important in formation of starch,sugar and oil and development of roots,stem and seeds. It also improves fruit quality improvement and reduction of diseases
organic fertilizer for K ........ potassium solubilizing bacteria (KSB) or potash mobilizing bacteria (KMB) such as Nature Agrocare Potash Mobilizing Bacteria Potassium, and Potash Solubilizing Bacteria, Potash Activa of IPL company) use is a matter of choice, speed of effect and availability
organic biofertilizers such as NPK-2 (having strains of Azospirillum+. PSB+KMB) and azotobacter are safe to environment and humans.Nutrient when supplied with proper management practices always increases the aesthetic value of our garden. Organic food certifier checks that the produce comes from an NPOP certified farm and was processed by a NPOP certified processor. PGS group farmer cannot sell produce to NPOP certified processor जैविक खेती organic farming certified जैविक खेती ......... एकीकृत फसल प्रबंधन (आई सी एम) ......... पारम्परिक कृषि are important for profitability in agriculture. organic agriculture,integrated crop management and conventional agriculture are three crop production systems used by farmers
waste decomposer वेस्ट डीकमपोजर मिला क्या !!!!! Buy ONLINE ऑनलाइन खरीद कर घर मंगवाय Waste decomposer अपशिष्ट अपघटक organisms are used in compost production units
Compost fungi are nowadays becoming popular as fungi कवक are known to play a vital role as decomposers ये मृत पौधों को अपघटन में सहायता करते हैं cellulose decomposer fungi such as Paecilomyces fusisporus is generally used in the process of making compost inoculants or Decomposer organisms or compost fungi कवक स्रोत अपशिष्ट अपघटक fungi based waste decomposer can be prepared by various methods
Agri input products suitable for sustainable agriculture are used in organic farming also. पौध वृद्धि प्रोत्साहक इफको सागरिका समुद्री जल में उगने वाले पौधों से प्राप्त होता हैं plant growth promoter IFFCO
sagarika is derived from Red Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii)
Seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (a marine plant) based extracts are other examples of plant enzyme used for better growth and productivity. Biovita (PI Industries), Zymegold (Godrej) and Nanozim (Biostadt) are some brand names
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