पुदीना MENTHA or pudina or MINT farmers get 100-125 Qtl/Acre herb yield with oil content of 0.6-0.7% मेंथा तेल from good varieties.Japanese Mint or Menthol Mint (Mentha arvensis),Pepper Mint (Mentha piperita),Spear Mint (Mentha spicata),Scotch Mint (Mentha gracilis) and Bergamot Mint (Mentha citrata).स्पेअरमिंट पुदीना मच्छर व मक्खियों को दूर करने में बेहतर साबित हुए हैं
Spear Mint or Mentha spicata is used for digestive disorders. including gas and indigestion

piperita or Pepper Mint or is grown for Peppermint leaf,Leaf Oil,Leaf
Extract and Leaf Water to be used in cosmetic formulations as a
fragrance component.It is also used in the treatment of nasal congestion
and sinusitis
पुदीना एक तीव्र सुगंध प्रदान करने वाला पौधा है तथा बदहजमी संबंधी समस्या के उपचार के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है Mint Tea (Pudina i.e.Mentha arvensis) helps soothe mild nausea, control the spasms and cramps that normally accompany diarrhoea. It can help improve digestion and is recommended for cough associated with allergies and chest infections

Mentha oil is obtained from mentha leaves by steam distillation process.pudina or common mint i.e.Mentha arvensis is also known as Japanese Mint or Menthol Mint
farmers get around 100-125 Qtl/Acre herb yield with oil content of 0.6-0.7% मेंथा तेल from good varieties of मेंथा pudina or MINT or MENTHA.Have u seen a traditional distillation process !!!!

Mentha oil is obtained from mentha leaves by steam distillation process.pudina or common mint i.e.Mentha arvensis is also known as Japanese Mint or Menthol Mint

Lemon NIMBU लेमोन नींबू galgal or Citrus limon is a large, oval citrus fruit with a thicker skin. Lemon is a citrus fruit with high acid. Lemon is widely used for making lemonade and many other juice based drinks.
Tulsi तुलसी vrinda वृंदा sacred basil सैक्रेड बजिल holy basil होली बेज़िल Holy basil TULSI or Ocimum sanctum ( syn. Ocimum tenuiflorum) Tulsi is a sacred plant in Hindu belief. Hindus regard it as an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulsi; she is regarded as a great worshipper of the Lord Vishnu. Ram Tulsi or bantulsi or Clove basil or Wild basil or Lemon basil or Ocimum gratissimum is said to have use against convulsions. Shyam Tulsi or Krishna Tulsi or the Purple leaf tulsi is that variety of Ocimum which bears purple colored leaves and dark stems.
Ghrit kumari Aloe vera घृत कुमारी एलो वेरा ALOE एलोवेरा Gwar Patha घी क्वार ghee kwar or dhrit kumari or Aloe barbadensis is one of the simpler house plants to grow indoors or windowsill or in the garden if you live in a very warm and dry climate. Aloevera plant can be used to heal scrapes, burns and other skin irritations.
sahjan सोजीना sahajan सहजन Drumstick vegetable ड्रमस्टिक sahijan सारगवा saragwa मोरिंजा horse radish tree or Moringa oleifera leaves are Vitamin A , Vitamin C, Calcium. Moringa Leaves Powder are sold in market since it helps to support the normal sugar level of the body
Jamun fruit जामुन फल Syzygium cumini fruit color changes from green to pink to blood red to black as it matures. Glycoside in jamun seed have antidiabetic properties. Jamun pulp lowers blood glucose levels. Jamun जामुन Jambu plant produces purplish-black oval edible berries which are used in diabities, diarrhoea and ringworm. The bark is astringent, sweet sour, diuretic, digestive and anthelmintic. The leaves are antibacterial, and are used for strengthning the teeth and gums
amrood गुआवा GUAVA जामफल amrud jamphal अमरूद red pulp guava लाल गूदा अमरूद Arka Rashmi bears medium sized globose fruits with deep pink pulp, guava with purplish pink skin बैंगनी गुलाबी रंग का छिलका वाला अमरूद , guava with apple red like skin सेब के रंग का छिलका वाला अमरूद Psidium guajava Allahabad Safeda, Banarasi, Lucknow-49, Arka Mridula and Arka Amulya are good varieties bearing greenish color guava fruits. Guava is harvested in August for rainy season crop, November- December for winter season crop and March-April for spring season crop
Amla आमला aonla आँवला Emblica officinalis varities namely Kanchan, Krishna, Chakaiya and Narendra 7 are popular. Green tinged, red tinged, pink tinged and white streaked aonla can be seen in markets. Amla or Indian gooseberry or can be used with BRAHMI or use it as Chawanprash. Aonla candy is the best form to introduce among KIDS and low calorie sweet salty aonla crackers are good source of protein
Bael Patra बेल पत्र Bael bel fruit बेल Bel Aegle marmelos has digestive, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory properties. बेल Bel is also known as Bengal quince or Stone apple and its fruit is eaten fresh or dried or made as bel sharbat
Neem नीम Azadirachta indica leaf and its constituents have been demonstrated to exhibit immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycaemic, antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties. All parts of the neem tree- leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, roots and bark have been used traditionally for the treatment of inflammation, infections, fever, skin diseases and dental disorders. Bakain or drek or Persian lilac or chinaberry or Melia azedarzch, looks like Neem, should not to be confused with Neem. Bakain also has medicinal values as its leaves and flowers may be used in headache.
Curry patta कड़ी पत्ता kadhi patta कढ़ी पत्ता or Kadi patta करी पत्ता curry leaf plant Murraya koenigi. Curry Leaf powder is also used. Curry Patta extract is used in treating piles, blood disorders, cooling body temperature and has many more health benefits
Giloy गिलोय Guduchi गुडूची Tinospora cordifolia stem improves immune system and enhance skin health
Bahera बहेड़ा का पेड़ Baheda or bibhītaka or Terminalia bellirica or Belliric Myrobalan is used in making Triphala Churna
Arjun tree अर्जुन का पेड़ Terminalia arjuna bark अर्जुन की छाल arjan tree helps maintain a healthy heart and reduces the effects of stress and nervousness
Satavar सतावर Asparagus racemosa, Bel बेल Aegle marmelos, Badi Elaichi बड़ी ईलाइची Amomum subulatum, Aloevera ऐलोवेरा, Dalchini दालचीनी Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Tejpatta तेज़पत्ता Cinnamomum tamala, Arni अर्नी Clerodendrum phlomidis, Jeera जीरा Cuminum cyminum, Dhania धनिया Coriandrum sativum, Haldi हल्दी Curcuma longa, Shalparni शालपर्णी Desmodium gangetium, Amla आमला Embilica officinalis, Jethimadh जेठिमढ़ Glycyrrhiza glabra, Gamhar गमहर Gmelina arborea, Sandharlika संधारलिका Hedychium spicatum, Mahua महुआ Madhuca indica, Son manduk सोन मांडुक Oroxylum indicum, Pipli पिपली Piper longum, Kali Mirch काली मिर्च Piper nigrum, Manjistha मंजिस्था Rubia cordifolia, Barial बड़ियल Sida cordifolia, Brihati बृहटी Solanum indicum, Padeli पड़ेली Stereospermum suaveolens, Lodhri लोधरी Symplocos racemose, Laung लॉन्ग Syzygium aromaticum, Gilo गिलोय Tinosporia cordifolia, Ajwain अज़्वैन Trachyspermum ammi, Gokhru गोखरु Tribulus terrestris, Arjuna अर्जुन Terminalia arjuna, Baheda बहेड़ा Terminalia bellarica, Harad हरड Terminalia chebula, (Triphala त्रिफला) Draksh द्राक्ष अंगूर angoor Vitis vinifera, Ashwagandha अश्वगंधा Withania somnifera, Dhauri धौरी Woodfordia fruticosa, Adrakh अदरख Zingiber officinalis decoction and decoction of many other plant materials are used in preparation of polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation पोलीहर्बल आयुर्वेदिक फॉरम्यूलेशन such as Arishta अरिष्ट
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