Tuesday, 20 December 2016

ornamental plants outdoor plants INDOOR plants gardening

INDOOR GARDENING- Plants kept indoors really complete a home decoration. इन्डोर प्लान्टस indoor plants घर के भीतर रखे जाने वाले पौधे 


1.Aglaonema sp.-There are quite a large number of aglaonemas grown,though they all look rather alike.Aglaonemas make compact little plants,developing a sort of trunk as they age.The plant does not require to be very well-lit,but will not be happy in a too dark position.


2.Araucaria excelsa or Christmas Tree or X'Mas plantThese grow slowly and do not need much repotting.It makes a very elegant small tree for indoor selection.It should be given a very well-lit position and should be turn around at intervals,so that the growths remain symmetrical.If the plant is left in the same  position,the shoots will all tend to grow towards the light and the attractive symmetry will be lost.

3.Scindapsus sp like monstera,pothos and money plant vineIt is sometimes mistakenly labeled as a Philodendron.Money plant is represented by two genus namely Epipremnum and Scindapsus.


A moist atmosphere and a well-lit but shaded situation are what this plant requires.This climbing plant does not develops the yellow markings on its leaves,when the situation is too dark.

Exotic Green Money Plant Oxycodium when mounted on moss stick or a Monster Money plant Epipremnum sp.climbing a large tree in your vicinty always look nature's ornamental beautification.

4.Schefflera actinophylla - These plants are happy in intermediate condition of light and shade.

The leaflet radiate around the stalk like the rays of a light,it is extremely interesting to see the plant improve yearly.

5.Dracaena and Cordyline are common houseplants having woody stem and sword-shaped leaves.Various types of dracaena plants such as cornstalk draceana,marginata dracaena,elegance cane,deremensis and fragrans can be used in outdoor and indoor gardening
conditions,there is every reason to suppose that they would survive the winter without damage.

Dracaena sanderiana or Lucky bamboo look beautiful when kept in ceramic pot or glass container

6.Cordyline terminalis plant has a fountain of very broad leaves which curve slightly at the tips.They are green with thin red margins.During the summer they may be kept outdoors too.These are low growing shrubs with oblong oval leaves.They are not difficult plants to keep in good condition and though they survive in intermediate 

7.Ficus sp.-The plant will survive in shady conditions,but has no no objection to light.The plants contain a milky latex.

Fresh air indoor brings good health and health is no doubt wealth when you grow a sanseveria plant

 - This will not require great quantities of water,although it should be provided in moderation when the condition of the soil calls for it.The plant has very thick,tough,leathery and erect leaves that are usually about 18 inches high in well-grown plants.These leaves are 2-3 inches wide,and have a very thin green margin with a yellow stripe next to it,while the center of the leaf is grey-green with transverse bands of a darker color.

9.Tradescantia -These are easiest of all indoor plants to grow.The plant does best in a well-lit situation but does not like direct sunlight.The leaves spring directly from the stem in some species.

10.Philodendron xanadu-These are climbing plants and they produce aerial roots at every leaf- joint.They can be grown under cool condition,although it will prefer the warmer intermediate temperatures.Now, we are familiar with these indoor plants,few things to be kept in mind are not to provide excess water and not to overfeed with manures and fertilizers to avoid frequent re-potting.Feel the spirit to realize that indoor plants are really forever fresh goodies for decorating a beautiful home or a vibrant office.

Dieffenbachia are hardy houseplants डंब केन Aglaonemas are ornamental plants,developing a sort of trunk as they age.The plant does not require to be very well-lit, but will not be happy in a too dark position

Dieffenbachia, Aspidistra, Caladium, Croton,Spathiphyllum Peace Lily,Spider Plant and Syngonium are examples of easy to maintain indoor plants. Palm plants such as areca palm,nolina palm,cycas palm,phoenix palm,fan palm,zamia palm and raphis ladys palm are also liked by many home garden owners

12.Zebra plant 

Zebra plants Calathea, Maranta and Pilea are common foliage plants used in indoor gardening

Gardening Classes session conducted at your Delhi home, on your call, covers Basic aspects of gardening

Anthurium andraeanum or Flamingo flower have glossy heart-shaped bright red flower bract look beautiful when kept in ceramic pot or glass container 

Some outdoor plants may be kept indoors as well.Ferns,Lilies,Ficus, Dracaena,some grasses and Palms are preferred ornamental foliage plants

ferns that are true ferns multiply by spores and do not produce flowers or seeds.Ferns can be easily taken care of as they are hardy garden plants and prefer shady locations. Dryopteris fern, Athyrium fern, Polystichum fern and Foxtail fern are prefferd in home gardening

Asparagus fern plant is not a true fern because they belong to different family and produce flower and fruit.

emerald ferns  or foxtail ferns of the Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' group or Asparagus Fern roots सतावर or Sprengeri fern have tuberous roots in form of fleshy nodules

Asparagus racemosus or SATAVAR is a good foliage ornamental plant 
 Dianella Flax Lily is an evergreen grasslike plant with white margins on its strap-like leaves

 Ophiopogon Mondo grass plants grow in tufts and prefer moist soil and partial to full shade

Ficus benjamina is a very popular houseplant with elegant glossy green leaves.Ficus can be grown as a shrub for focal point in a garden.It can be shaped into beautiful topiaries. Ficus are made into beautiful bonsai.Braided ficus look amazing. Many ficus plants trees braided together to appear like a single plant

Dracaena reflexa or सॉन्ग ऑफ़ इंडिया song of India plant with yellow striped leaves is easy to grow and maintain

water lily plants,pond plants,oxygenating aquatic plants and many more water plants constitute a garden with water bodies

Aquatic plants such as Hygrorhiza aristata,Fimbristylis miliaceae,Sporobslus indica and Polygonum globrum are used in gardening.

Trapa bispinosa,Ceratophyllum demerseem,Jussica rapens and Salvini nutuni are some other aquatic plants

floating water plants such as water lettuce,water hyacinth along with other plants such as butterfly ginger,marginal water plants and aquatic grass make any garden beautiful.

Lotus and Water Lily.......Nelumbo nucifera and Nymphaea rubra are common seen aquatic plants.

Blue lotus or Nymphaea stellata or Nymphaea nouchali is not a lotus but a water lily.

Dauben water lily or Nymphaea daubenyana or Lavender Lily with light-lavender flower.

Colocasia esculenta,Endyra fluctuans,Pistia stratiotes,Ipomea aquatica and Scirpus grossus are some other aquatic plants 

aquatic garden plants such as hosta and waterlilies are waterside plants,reeds and iris float on shallow water while lilies are grown deep in water.Hardy water lilies are perennial, and found in white, yellow or red.

plastic tubs or any other container with one and a half feet to two feet depth is commonly used in home gardens as a water feature for growing aquatic plants.   

Water lily in a wide pot of 14-16 inch size with 25 - 30 litre water can be used as a water feature in small gardens.Plant the rhizome on the edge of the container at a 45 degree angle, exposing the crown

a fountain with running water in the garden,a small pool or artificial small pond and other natural looking water features enable use of water as a element in the design of a landscape. 
CLICK  https://www.facebook.com/gaardening/  for more on gardening


  1. Lovely blog! Spaces can be transformed into verdant havens with Indoor Ornamental Plants. Your guidance to choosing plants is really beneficial!


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