GARDENING गार्डनिंग
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FACEBOOK/Agriculture Delhi
Several questions ... Few answers !!!!! Let's find out ...
What is gardening?
What is home-gardening?
What are ornamental plants?
Which plants are indoor garden plants?
Which vegetables for vegetable gardening?
Which plants for balcony gardening pots?
When to sow for gardening in summer?
When to sow for gardening in winter?
When to provide nutrition in gardening?
How to protect garden plants?
How to take care of garden insects?
How to take care of disease in gardening?

Somesh Jha, M.Sc.(Agri.) Plant Pathology,has been teaching Gardening Classes since 2009. Active in the sector of Agro, Retail and Agri Business consultancy for more than ONE and a HALF DECADE and has also served companies like Vishal Retail, Reliance Retail, Aadhaar Retailing(Future Group),Godrej Agrovet Ltd., Pragya (NGO) at various managerial levels.
Somesh Jha Carried out Behavioral Training program as a Freelance Trainer with a NSDC partner company,for one of the reputed hybrid seed company.Skills training of sales team in cotton belt of Punjab and Haryana regions.As a Freelance Agroconsultant,carried out Capacity Building training programs for a reputed agri input company.Skills training of sales team in paddy and wheat belt such as Sangrur,Bathinda,Hanumangarh,Jaipur and Jodhpur

Forest cover on mountains cause accumulation of organic matter during the process of soil formation. Mountain
peaks in the Himalayas remain covered with snow.
Melting of snow leads to formation of rivers. Rivers carry broken pieces of rocks,live and dead plants,dead animals and their waste along its way and deposit on its banks.
On decomposition of these waste material in nature, we get topmost nutrient humus rich layer of soil or मृदा or मिट्टी.Soil is the weathered rock material found on the surface of the earth.
Soil is made up of inorganic mineral particles that weather from its parent material i.e. rocks.
इगनियस रॉक Igneous rocks पत्थर शैल patthar चट्टान is formed through the cooling and solidification of a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles and solids that is found beneath the surface of the Earth i.e. magma or lava. Granite, black basalt, grey basalt, pumice rock, casseterite, porphyryc, pegmatite, obsidian, andesite, diorite, rhyolite, tuff rock, gabbro and scoria are some examples of igneous rocks.
सेडीमेनटरी रॉक Sedimentary rocks पत्थर शैल patthar चट्टान are formed from accumulation of mineral or organic particles present on the surface of the earth and within bodies of water. The mineral or organic particles present on the surface of the earth and within bodies of water are known as sediment. Carbonate mineral rocks like limestone, fossiliferous limestone, dolostone, bauxite, hematite, coal, red sandstone, grey sandstone, red laterite rocks used in making Jambha rock stones, rock gypsum, rock salt, mudstone, siltstone, travertine, shale rock, conglomerate rock and arkose rock are few examples of sedimentary rocks.
मेटामोरफिक रॉक metamorphic rocks पत्थर शैल patthar चट्टान are formed when rocks of all ages beneath the Earth's surface are exposed to high temperatures and the great pressure of the rock layers above it. Metamorphic rocks are also formed when rock is heated by the intrusion of hot molten rock called magma from the Earth's interior. Layered foliated metamorphic rocks in form of gneiss and metamorphic rocks with scaly structure in schist form both look beautiful. Marble, dolomitic marble, slate, red slate, quartzite, epidosite quartzite, mica, feldspar , amphibolite, serpentinite, graphite, garnet and chlorite are examples of metamorphic rocks. As a result of physical and chemical weathering, rocks are broken down into smaller pieces such as sand, silt, and clay particles over a long period of time.

These broken pieces of rock particles mix with organic particles present in died and decayed organisms on earth’s surface, leading to soil formation. The layers of the soil are known as topsoil, subsoil, weathered parent material and bedrock
Soil contains water, air and nutrients mainly nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium that are required for the growth of plants.
Soil contains carbon compounds from decayed and highly decomposed organic matter mostly made from dead plants, dead insects and micro-organisms.

Laterite soil लेटराइट मिट्टी or मखराला मिट्टी is a red brick like or yellowish red soil produced by rock decay.
Laterite soils are formed due to intense leaching and are well developed on the summits of hills and uplands
Sandy soils possess good drainage and aeration and are usually loose and friable and easy to handle in tillage operation.Soil containing equal amounts of sand, silt and clay is clayloam. Loamy is dark brown in color and often moist when touched.
Now. we have come to know about different kind of soils and their texture
Whitish coarse texture soils found in many regions could either be saline, sodic (alkali) or saline-sodic, depending upon its content of excessive amount of either soluble salts or exchangeable sodium or both.
1.Alkali Soil- Lime content is high-Treat wih GYPSUM
The acidity or alkalinity of soil is measured in terms of Soil pH value.Soils with pH less than 7 are acidic soils while those with pH more than 7 are known as alkaline soil.
Saline soils contain excess soluble salts in the root zone. Saline soils contain soluble salts in such quantities that they interfere with the growth of most crop plants. Salinization generally occurs in the regions of arid and semi arid climate. Agricultural grade gypsum provides calcium for replacement of sodium from the exchange complex of the alkali soil.This process should be followed by leaching out of soluble salts from root zone.
Soils in the high rainfall humid areas shows excessive leaching and thus has low pH value (pH 4.5-6.5). Loss of soil fertility in acidic soil but that can be reclaimed by addition of chemical amendments such as lime.A soil with a pH value above 7 is known as alkaline soil.
When sodium level in a soil is high it is known as sodic or alkali soil.Salt affected soils,also known as alkali or sodic soil has pH >8 and exchangeable sodium more than 12-15 %. Dispersed and dissolved organic matter present in the soil solution may be deposited on soil surface by evaporation ,thus causing darkening and giving the term black alkali.This kind of soil can be reclaimed through leaching with good quality water. Exchangeable sodium and soil pH should be reduced to optimum levels in areas affected by soil salinity and soil alkalinity.
GGYPSUM - a soil conditioner for prevention and correction of sodicity of soil.When exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of sodic soils is too high,the calcium present in GYPSUM replaces the sodium held on the clay-binding sites. The sodium can then be leached from the soil as sodium sulfate to an appropriate sink
Tecoma bel or honeysuckle or Tecoma capensis have tubular flowers which vary from red, deep orange, yellow to salmon color commonly used for screening and hedge purposes.It is an evergreen shrub, bearing bunches of funnel-shaped, orange scarlet flowers.
Piliya पीलिया or Yellow trumpet flower or Angustata Yellow Bells or Tecoma stans have deeply toothed,narrower and lacy leaflets and bean shaped pods.Flowers seen beautifully hanging down
bougainvilleas exhibit many variation in growth habit depending upon cultivar.It may be a climbing bougainvillea, upright, drooping, spreading or a semi-upright bougainvillea.Bougainvillea buttiana, Bougainvillea spectabilis, Bougainvillea glabra and Bougainvillea peruviana are important species
madhumalti or Madhu Malati मधु मालती or Rangoon Creeper or Quisqualis indica is a vigorous twining climber blooming profusely throughout summer
IVY plant Hedera helix leaves are leathery,3-5-lobed and dark green in color.Ivy bears small greenish-yellow flowers.Ivy is one of the most versatile and popular ground cover plants.Its foliage is capable of covering walls and fences
Also known as railway creeper,its a vigorous grower, developing into a thick, covering mat of vegetation.They decorate our fences, trellises and walls with lush green foliage and colorful funnel-shaped blossoms.Leaves have lobes and it has pink to purple flowers
ground cover ornamental plants contribute in making a colorful landscape.Some ornamental ground cover plants that are used in landscape gardening are used in pot gardening also
wandering jew or purple heart plant or plant with succulent stems and pointed purple foliage leaves looks very beautiful as a sprawling groundcover plant
Tradescantia pallida is grown in the garden and in containers such as pots or hanging baskets. It is also known as Wandering Jew or Purple heart.Tradescantia zebrina or Zebrina pendula having purple-green leaves with broad silvery stripes is also a fast growing groundcover plant
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FACEBOOK/Agriculture Delhi
What is gardening?
What is home-gardening?
What are ornamental plants?
Which plants are indoor garden plants?
Which vegetables for vegetable gardening?
Which plants for balcony gardening pots?
When to sow for gardening in summer?
When to sow for gardening in winter?
When to provide nutrition in gardening?
How to protect garden plants?
How to take care of garden insects?
How to take care of disease in gardening?
Soil organic matter plays an important role in
the maintenance and improvement of soil properties and it is a dynamic material
and changes continuously as a result of microbial activity

Somesh Jha, M.Sc.(Agri.) Plant Pathology,has been teaching Gardening Classes since 2009. Active in the sector of Agro, Retail and Agri Business consultancy for more than ONE and a HALF DECADE and has also served companies like Vishal Retail, Reliance Retail, Aadhaar Retailing(Future Group),Godrej Agrovet Ltd., Pragya (NGO) at various managerial levels.
Somesh Jha Carried out Behavioral Training program as a Freelance Trainer with a NSDC partner company,for one of the reputed hybrid seed company.Skills training of sales team in cotton belt of Punjab and Haryana regions.As a Freelance Agroconsultant,carried out Capacity Building training programs for a reputed agri input company.Skills training of sales team in paddy and wheat belt such as Sangrur,Bathinda,Hanumangarh,Jaipur and Jodhpur

Melting of snow leads to formation of rivers. Rivers carry broken pieces of rocks,live and dead plants,dead animals and their waste along its way and deposit on its banks.
On decomposition of these waste material in nature, we get topmost nutrient humus rich layer of soil or मृदा or मिट्टी.Soil is the weathered rock material found on the surface of the earth.
Soil is made up of inorganic mineral particles that weather from its parent material i.e. rocks.
इगनियस रॉक Igneous rocks पत्थर शैल patthar चट्टान is formed through the cooling and solidification of a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles and solids that is found beneath the surface of the Earth i.e. magma or lava. Granite, black basalt, grey basalt, pumice rock, casseterite, porphyryc, pegmatite, obsidian, andesite, diorite, rhyolite, tuff rock, gabbro and scoria are some examples of igneous rocks.
सेडीमेनटरी रॉक Sedimentary rocks पत्थर शैल patthar चट्टान are formed from accumulation of mineral or organic particles present on the surface of the earth and within bodies of water. The mineral or organic particles present on the surface of the earth and within bodies of water are known as sediment. Carbonate mineral rocks like limestone, fossiliferous limestone, dolostone, bauxite, hematite, coal, red sandstone, grey sandstone, red laterite rocks used in making Jambha rock stones, rock gypsum, rock salt, mudstone, siltstone, travertine, shale rock, conglomerate rock and arkose rock are few examples of sedimentary rocks.
मेटामोरफिक रॉक metamorphic rocks पत्थर शैल patthar चट्टान are formed when rocks of all ages beneath the Earth's surface are exposed to high temperatures and the great pressure of the rock layers above it. Metamorphic rocks are also formed when rock is heated by the intrusion of hot molten rock called magma from the Earth's interior. Layered foliated metamorphic rocks in form of gneiss and metamorphic rocks with scaly structure in schist form both look beautiful. Marble, dolomitic marble, slate, red slate, quartzite, epidosite quartzite, mica, feldspar , amphibolite, serpentinite, graphite, garnet and chlorite are examples of metamorphic rocks. As a result of physical and chemical weathering, rocks are broken down into smaller pieces such as sand, silt, and clay particles over a long period of time.
These broken pieces of rock particles mix with organic particles present in died and decayed organisms on earth’s surface, leading to soil formation. The layers of the soil are known as topsoil, subsoil, weathered parent material and bedrock
Soil contains water, air and nutrients mainly nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium that are required for the growth of plants.
Soil contains carbon compounds from decayed and highly decomposed organic matter mostly made from dead plants, dead insects and micro-organisms.
This organic matter is known as humus .Upper
layer of soil is rich in humus.Soil organic matter represents an
accumulation of partially decayed and partially synthesised plant and animal
residues. On decomposition organic matter supplies nutrients, increases Water
Holding Capacity in light textured soil and increases porosity in heavy
textured soil.
Soil is
a natural dynamic body. It's a medium of plant growth which supplies moisture, air
and nutrients to support plant life. Soil is composed of mineral and organic
materials and livings forms in which plant grows
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ripe grain of cereal crop such as wheat is a golden harvest for
farmers.Golden harvest enable farmers to enjoy a prosperous
life........atleast for that particular season
desh ki dharti sona ugle मेरे देश की धरती .....सोना उगले a song from
UPKAR,a bollywood blockbuster movie of the year 1967 beautifully
describes the SOIL of our land.मिट्टी में पानी मिलाकर बनाने की योजना केवल किसान के पास ही होती है Soil + Water = Gold अच्छी मिट्टी + पानी = सोना Only a farmer knows how to convert soil and water into gold
Gold is one of the rarest elements on Earth that often occurs in free elemental form as grains in alluvial deposits.
GOLD सोना is a precious metal and is highly valued all over the world,
particularly for making jewellery.Gold is hard to find and difficult to
extract from the earth
and garden are inseparable words irrespective of our interest in soil
less gardening.It all begins with soil.Information on nutrient status of
soil is always useful.Soil health is always important before deciding
Soil Health Card सॉयल हैल्थ कार्ड SHC lets a farmer know about fertilizer recommendations and soil amendment required for the farm,based on the soil test report of N,P,K (Macro-nutrients) एनपीके (मुख्य-पोषक तत्व); S (Secondary- nutrient) सल्फर (गौण-पोषक तत्व); Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Bo (Micro - nutrients) जिंक, फेरस, कॉपर, मैगनीशियम, बोरॉन (सूक्ष्म-पोषक तत्व) and pH, EC, OC (Physical parameters) पीएच, इसी, ओसी (भौतिक पैरामीटर)
soil health card is used to assess the current status of soil health and, when used over time, to determine changes in soil health that are affected by land management.A soil health card सॉयल हैल्थ कार्ड carries crop wise recommendations of nutrients/fertilizers required for farms, making it possible for farmers to improve productivity by using appropriate inputs. It
all begins with soil.Information on nutrient status of soil is always
useful. Soil health is always important before deciding plant nutrition.Sandy
soil are pale brownish to dark-brown in color.
Kankar like pale brown or dark colored old alluvial soils or bangar are clayey soil aggregate
Pale to yellowish brown color new alluvial soil or bet soil, also known as khadar soils in flood plain area is generally sandy with less kankars
Alluvial soil in coastal and deltaic regions possess dark colour.
Black soil becomes sticky during in rainy season whereas in summer season it develops cracks
Soils deep black to light black in color exhibit Clayey texture and high water retaining capacity.
The black color of soils is due to superficial rock iron rich organic matter content.
A soil is usually yellow or brown in color but redness of soil is due to high iron content.Red
soils develop on crystalline rocks by prolonged weathering in hot
climate.Red soils are sandy to loamy in texture
Red soil is thought to have been formed due to weathering of igneous
and metamorphic rocks which have been broken into small minute particles
over billions of years
Laterite soil लेटराइट मिट्टी or मखराला मिट्टी is a red brick like or yellowish red soil produced by rock decay.
Laterite soils are formed due to intense leaching and are well developed on the summits of hills and uplands
Desert soils are deposited mainly by wind activities and are generally
sandy and deficient in organic matter.These soils are loose and
grainy,normally infertile but management of irrigation can make these
soils cultivable.Mountain soil generally consists
of gravels and sand.
Sandy soils possess good drainage and aeration and are usually loose and friable and easy to handle in tillage operation.Soil containing equal amounts of sand, silt and clay is clayloam. Loamy is dark brown in color and often moist when touched.
Now. we have come to know about different kind of soils and their texture
1. Alluvial
soil- soil aggregate kankars
sandy alluvial soil with less kankars
clayey alluvial soil with more
Black soil- clayey and silt like texture
soil- sandy to loamy texture
soil – brick like texture, yellowish brown
soil –loose and grainy texture
soil- consists of gravels and sand
A soil could be Sand, Loamy Sand, Sandy Loam, Loam, Silt Loam, Silt, Clay Loam or Clay ......that soil should be treated with soil conditioners and Planting material should be treated with fungicides and insecticides, through ORGANIC or CHEMICAL methods.
Whitish coarse texture soils found in many regions could either be saline, sodic (alkali) or saline-sodic, depending upon its content of excessive amount of either soluble salts or exchangeable sodium or both.
2.Acidic Soil-pH is recorded less than 7 - Treat with LIMESTONE
3.Saline Soil-Excess quantity of salts are observed.
The above three are major types of problematic soils found in Indian Gardens.3.Saline Soil-Excess quantity of salts are observed.
The acidity or alkalinity of soil is measured in terms of Soil pH value.Soils with pH less than 7 are acidic soils while those with pH more than 7 are known as alkaline soil.
Saline soils contain excess soluble salts in the root zone. Saline soils contain soluble salts in such quantities that they interfere with the growth of most crop plants. Salinization generally occurs in the regions of arid and semi arid climate. Agricultural grade gypsum provides calcium for replacement of sodium from the exchange complex of the alkali soil.This process should be followed by leaching out of soluble salts from root zone.
Soils in the high rainfall humid areas shows excessive leaching and thus has low pH value (pH 4.5-6.5). Loss of soil fertility in acidic soil but that can be reclaimed by addition of chemical amendments such as lime.A soil with a pH value above 7 is known as alkaline soil.
When sodium level in a soil is high it is known as sodic or alkali soil.Salt affected soils,also known as alkali or sodic soil has pH >8 and exchangeable sodium more than 12-15 %. Dispersed and dissolved organic matter present in the soil solution may be deposited on soil surface by evaporation ,thus causing darkening and giving the term black alkali.This kind of soil can be reclaimed through leaching with good quality water. Exchangeable sodium and soil pH should be reduced to optimum levels in areas affected by soil salinity and soil alkalinity.
GGYPSUM - a soil conditioner for prevention and correction of sodicity of soil.When exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of sodic soils is too high,the calcium present in GYPSUM replaces the sodium held on the clay-binding sites. The sodium can then be leached from the soil as sodium sulfate to an appropriate sink
Soil color is primarily affected by soil type and composition, not so much pH. For instance, organic-rich soils (dark brown or almost black, which can be moderate pH) tend to be darker than organic-poor soils (light brown, lower pH), which in turn tend to be darker than high mineral content soil (such as sand, higher pH).
Reds and yellows are common colours in soils and are the result of small quantities of iron compounds. The red colour is particularly associated with (Fe2O), whereas the yellow colour may indicate the presence of this same iron compound combined with water (hydrated iron oxide). Red colour indicates that the soil is well drained, but locally the colour may be derived from a red source rock such as a red shale or sandstone.
Grayish and bluish colours in soils of humid climates often mean the presence of reduced iron compounds (such as FeO) in the soil and indicate poor drainage or bog conditions. Grayish soils in dry climates mean a meagre amount of humus: a white colour may be a result of the deposit of salts in the soil. Although some recently formed soils retain the colour of the parent overburden or bedrock, the colour of fully developed soils is independent of what lies beneath.soil conditioners play an important role in improving the productivity of a garden
soil conditioner Cocopeat,Vermiculite, Perlite, Neem Cake, Vermicompost, Fertlilizers like Urea, DAP,Potash, Organic Fertilizers such as Azospirillium, Azotobacter, Rhizobium, Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria,Potash (K) solubilizing bacteria,Organic Pesticides like Bacillus thuringiensis,Trichoderma viridae,Pseudomonas florescens,Neem Oil,Chemical pesticides like Chlorpyriphos,Malathion Powder,Carbendazim,Mancozeb,Plant Growth Regulators like Humic Acid, Nitrobenzene and Plant Enzymes are used for routine work, AFTERCARE and MAINTENANCE OF GARDEN
Greenery not only provides us food but also improves aesthetic value of our surroundings.
scarlet clock vine or Burmese clock vine or scarlet Thunbergia or Thunbergia coccinea is an evergreen climber with purplish pink flowers in spectacularly long hanging unique shape raceme inflorescence
violet purple Wisteria bel,orange Tecoma bel,pink Madhumalti bel,white Jasmine bel,yellow Adenocalymma bel,Clerodendrum splendens,climbing Mussaenda and climbing Bougainvillea are common flowering climbers.
Tecoma bel or honeysuckle or Tecoma capensis have tubular flowers which vary from red, deep orange, yellow to salmon color commonly used for screening and hedge purposes.It is an evergreen shrub, bearing bunches of funnel-shaped, orange scarlet flowers.
Piliya पीलिया or Yellow trumpet flower or Angustata Yellow Bells or Tecoma stans have deeply toothed,narrower and lacy leaflets and bean shaped pods.Flowers seen beautifully hanging down
bougainvilleas exhibit many variation in growth habit depending upon cultivar.It may be a climbing bougainvillea, upright, drooping, spreading or a semi-upright bougainvillea.Bougainvillea buttiana, Bougainvillea spectabilis, Bougainvillea glabra and Bougainvillea peruviana are important species
madhumalti or Madhu Malati मधु मालती or Rangoon Creeper or Quisqualis indica is a vigorous twining climber blooming profusely throughout summer
IVY plant Hedera helix leaves are leathery,3-5-lobed and dark green in color.Ivy bears small greenish-yellow flowers.Ivy is one of the most versatile and popular ground cover plants.Its foliage is capable of covering walls and fences
Ivy-leaved Morning Glory or Bhaura or Singa or Ipomoea cairica is common around railway properties.
Also known as railway creeper,its a vigorous grower, developing into a thick, covering mat of vegetation.They decorate our fences, trellises and walls with lush green foliage and colorful funnel-shaped blossoms.Leaves have lobes and it has pink to purple flowers
ground cover ornamental plants contribute in making a colorful landscape.Some ornamental ground cover plants that are used in landscape gardening are used in pot gardening also
wandering jew or purple heart plant or plant with succulent stems and pointed purple foliage leaves looks very beautiful as a sprawling groundcover plant
Tradescantia pallida is grown in the garden and in containers such as pots or hanging baskets. It is also known as Wandering Jew or Purple heart.Tradescantia zebrina or Zebrina pendula having purple-green leaves with broad silvery stripes is also a fast growing groundcover plant
Philodendron gold and Philodendron xanadu are used as indoor plant in pot gardening. Philodendron xanadu with serrated,small leaves is a fast growing plant.
Pedilanthus tithymaloides is a succulent plant with zig-zag growing,thin pencil like fleshy tubular stems.It is a beautiful ornamental garden plant used in in landscaping and as a pot gardening plant.This Euphorbiaceae family member bears pink slipper shaped bract-cups
ground cover plant Alternanthera versicolor, Alternanthera bettzickiana, Alternanthera bettzickiana variegata and Alternanthera dentata Ruby are widely grown red leaf groung cover ornamental plant
Pedilanthus tithymaloides is a succulent plant with zig-zag growing,thin pencil like fleshy tubular stems.It is a beautiful ornamental garden plant used in in landscaping and as a pot gardening plant.This Euphorbiaceae family member bears pink slipper shaped bract-cups
ground cover plant Alternanthera versicolor, Alternanthera bettzickiana, Alternanthera bettzickiana variegata and Alternanthera dentata Ruby are widely grown red leaf groung cover ornamental plant
Alternanthera dentata provides ground cover with dense burgundy color foliage.It is widely grown as garden hedge or small edge plant.Red color is due to accumulation of anthocyanin in Alternanthera. When temperature is more than 45 degree Celcius the leaves are seen green
annual seasonal flower seeds for winter such as Pansy, Petunia, Phlox, Salvia, Coreopsis, Matricaria, Calendula, Marigold, Daisy, Dahlia, Antirrhinum and many more are sown in autumn. Need not worry "what about gardening in SUMMER season !!!!!!!! गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!! " Portulaca, Kochia bush, Gomphrena, Gaillardia, plume Celosia Cockscomb and Zinnia as seasonal flowers for spring summer.
Gardening Classes .......... a beginning for your good health ........ and gardening is no doubt a hobby that yields something for sure !!!!!! Thinking of balcony pot gardening ............. u too r ready to plan your selection of seasonal flowers and vegetable seeds na !!!!
GARDENING CLASSES session enables you to understand basic aspects and ignite your interest in gardening
Gardening is the easiest way to get closer to nature
soil, manure, compost, other soil conditioners cocopeat, vermiculite, perlite, organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, some seeds from kitchen and some seeds from market .......... that is what you require to begin gardening in ANY season !!!!!!!!
GREENERY around us DO NOT fill our WALLETS purse ज़ेब की हरियाली but hariali DO fill pockets of our LUNGS with OXYGEN. Gardening is not just about buying plants and keeping in balcony. Gardening in true sense means growing plants .......... from seed to seed.
winter flower seeds सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के बीज summer season plants गर्मी के मौसम में बुआई के बीज
FICUS plant
annual seasonal flower seeds for winter such as Pansy, Petunia, Phlox, Salvia, Coreopsis, Matricaria, Calendula, Marigold, Daisy, Dahlia, Antirrhinum and many more are sown in autumn. Need not worry "what about gardening in SUMMER season !!!!!!!! गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!! " Portulaca, Kochia bush, Gomphrena, Gaillardia, plume Celosia Cockscomb and Zinnia as seasonal flowers for spring summer.
Gardening Classes .......... a beginning for your good health ........ and gardening is no doubt a hobby that yields something for sure !!!!!! Thinking of balcony pot gardening ............. u too r ready to plan your selection of seasonal flowers and vegetable seeds na !!!!
GARDENING CLASSES session enables you to understand basic aspects and ignite your interest in gardening
Gardening is the easiest way to get closer to nature
soil, manure, compost, other soil conditioners cocopeat, vermiculite, perlite, organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, some seeds from kitchen and some seeds from market .......... that is what you require to begin gardening in ANY season !!!!!!!!
GREENERY around us DO NOT fill our WALLETS purse ज़ेब की हरियाली but hariali DO fill pockets of our LUNGS with OXYGEN. Gardening is not just about buying plants and keeping in balcony. Gardening in true sense means growing plants .......... from seed to seed.
winter flower seeds सर्दी विन्टर बुआई के बीज summer season plants गर्मी के मौसम में बुआई के बीज
GRAFTED ficus microcarpa - two different varieties - small leaved variety grafted on another variety with enlarged roots
bonsai बोन्साई pronounce 'bawnsai' बोन्साइ बान्साई बोनसाई बोनसाई बान्साइ
styles of bonsai
1.Formal upright style bonsai
2.Informal upright style bonsai
3.Slanting style bonsai
4.Cascading style bonsai
5.Semi-cascading style bonsai
6.Literati style bonsai -- Windswept
7.Broom style bonsai -- like a blooming peach tree
8.Saikei style bonsai -- Juniper style
9.Root-over-rock style bonsai
10.Group planting style bonsai -- Forest like group of many trees of same plant
10a.Sinuous style bonsai -- Multi-trunk -- many branches growing from a single plant
10b.Raft style/Straight-line style bonsai -- branches rise from a single horizontally lying straight-line trunk
10c.Double trunk/Twin-trunk style bonsai
11.Clump style bonsai -- multi-trunk windswept
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bonsai बोन्साई pronounce 'bawnsai' बोन्साइ बान्साई बोनसाई बोनसाई बान्साइ gardening rocks, gravel and moss are arranged in a natural looking setting in the bonsai pot.bonsai soils are generally prepared by mixing of 70% sand and 30% compost for evergreen plants. For deciduous plants, a mixture 30% sand and 70% compost can be used. Peat moss, pine bark etc may be added according to the moisture requirement of plant. Aluminium wire, Wire cutters, Long handled fine trimming scissors are required for this art. Branch Cutter, Knob cutter to remove rounded lumps on the surface of branches,Trunk Splitter, Root cutter, Root hook, Bending Jack such as adjustable jack for bending the branches on bonsai trees, Jin pliers for stripping branches of both live and dead tissue to expose the deadwood, Rake (tweezer) used for teasing out roots when re-potting your bonsai, Spatula, Light pruning scissors and brush are also required in Bonsai art
Plumeria champa, jasmine mogara bela jui chameli, lilies, chrysanthemum guldaudi, paarijat harshingar, sunflower, sadabahar, marigold, ixora, haemelia, hibiscus adool gudhal, tuberose rajnigandha, gladiolous, gerbera, poinsettia, mussaenda, begonia, adenium, anthurium, heliconia, bird of paradise, scarlet clock vine, passionflower vine, tecoma bell flower vine, aparajita butterfly pea, madhumalti rangoon creeper. rose gulab गुलाब का फूल Himalayan Rose हिमालयन रोज़ Rosa macrophylla grows in the Himalayas as a tall bush with medium-sized pink fragrant flowers.
ornamental plants Syngonium, Philodendron, Acalypha, Tradescantia, Alternanthera and Euphorbia alongwith Ferns, Lilies, Ficus, Dracaena, some grasses, bamboos and ornamental palm plants are important soft elements in creation of a beautiful landscape with ornamental garden plants. Foliage plants may be kept indoors as well as a ornamental outdoor garden plant. Syngonium podophyllum are beautiful ornamental plants that can be used in large garden beds,as edge plants or as a evergreen ground cover plant
राखी बेल फूल पैशन फ्लावर passion flowers or passion vines झुमका लता Passiflora sp. flower ripens into passion fruit. Unique flowers of rakhi bel are borne at internodes on tendril-bearing vines. passion fruit is generally dark purple berry sized fruit having soft juicy pulp with numerous seeds. Passion flower oil, an aromatherapy product is made from its fruit seeds and thus is also called as passion flower fruit oil. Passion flower oil is rich in vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus Passion flower fruit is eaten and has aromatic juice.

ornamental plants Syngonium, Philodendron, Acalypha, Tradescantia, Alternanthera and Euphorbia alongwith Ferns, Lilies, Ficus, Dracaena, some grasses, bamboos and ornamental palm plants are important soft elements in creation of a beautiful landscape with ornamental garden plants. Foliage plants may be kept indoors as well as a ornamental outdoor garden plant. Syngonium podophyllum are beautiful ornamental plants that can be used in large garden beds,as edge plants or as a evergreen ground cover plant
राखी बेल फूल पैशन फ्लावर passion flowers or passion vines झुमका लता Passiflora sp. flower ripens into passion fruit. Unique flowers of rakhi bel are borne at internodes on tendril-bearing vines. passion fruit is generally dark purple berry sized fruit having soft juicy pulp with numerous seeds. Passion flower oil, an aromatherapy product is made from its fruit seeds and thus is also called as passion flower fruit oil. Passion flower oil is rich in vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus Passion flower fruit is eaten and has aromatic juice.
बुरांस Burans or लाल गुराँस lal guransh or scarlet Rhododendron arboreum is also used in packaging and for religious use. rhododendron flower is used to make a squash called buransh रोडोडिन्ड्रन
Gardening Classes गार्डनिंग की संक्षिप्त जानकारी का स्रोत your source of brief information on gardening in balcony pots 
Cannon ball tree or Top(e) gola or Nagalingam or Shivalingam i.e. Couroupita guianensis flowers. The nature is so beautiful ............ how come one can resist gardening !!!!!!
ornamental trees such as washington palm, foxtail palm, casaurina, Tabeuia argentea, Chorisia speciosa and shrubs such as Raphis excelsa and Ficus panda are used in beautifying gardens and garden landscaping. Cannon ball tree, Sita Ashok, Kadamb, Elephant Apple are few examples of trees that are found only in a garden of paradise ........ i.e. in wild ..... in nature .................... in timeless harmony with nature
violet chilli purple chilli green chilli pickle हरी मिर्च का अचार haree mirch ka achaar chilli मिर्च green chilli हरी मिर्च red chilli लाल मिर्च .......... all are used to make pickles ...... sow some vegetable seeds in your garden pot and see how you develop interest in vegetable gardening.
तीन महीने बाद violet मिर्चि लाल हो गई violet chilli purple mirch turns red after about 3 months

annual seasonal flower seeds for winter such as petunia, calendula, pansy, salvia, dahlia and antirrhinum are supposed to be sown in autumn i.e. October................ but what about gardening in SUMMER season !!!!!!!! गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!!
Portulaca,Gomphrena,Zinnia, Gaillardia, Celosia, Cockscomb, Morning Glory or Kochia bush as seasonal flowers for spring summer sowing
पौधे आप नरसरी से जितने मर्जी ले अाएं .............................. खुशी तो आपको अपने हाथ से लागये पोधे को देखकर ही होगी
Autumn winter season sown flowers in a pattern of purple colored Sweet Williams, Phlox, Coreopsis, Phlox,Sweet Williams, Petunia, Pansy, Coreopsis, Matricaria and Petunia in Delhi
violet chilli purple chilli green chilli pickle हरी मिर्च का अचार haree mirch ka achaar chilli मिर्च green chilli हरी मिर्च red chilli लाल मिर्च .......... all are used to make pickles ...... sow some vegetable seeds in your garden pot and see how you develop interest in vegetable gardening.
तीन महीने बाद violet मिर्चि लाल हो गई violet chilli purple mirch turns red after about 3 months

annual seasonal flower seeds for winter such as petunia, calendula, pansy, salvia, dahlia and antirrhinum are supposed to be sown in autumn i.e. October................ but what about gardening in SUMMER season !!!!!!!! गर्मी के मौसम में आखिर ऊगायें क्या !!!!!
Portulaca,Gomphrena,Zinnia, Gaillardia, Celosia, Cockscomb, Morning Glory or Kochia bush as seasonal flowers for spring summer sowing
पौधे आप नरसरी से जितने मर्जी ले अाएं .............................. खुशी तो आपको अपने हाथ से लागये पोधे को देखकर ही होगी
Autumn winter season sown flowers in a pattern of purple colored Sweet Williams, Phlox, Coreopsis, Phlox,Sweet Williams, Petunia, Pansy, Coreopsis, Matricaria and Petunia in Delhi
These GARDENING CLASSES in DELHI are conducted at the Student's Home.
Fees Rs./- for a 2 hour session
Bulbs generally used as container plants are often used in ground planting as a flower border.The bulbs are of two types:
1.The scaly or imbricate bulbs, where the fleshy and scale leaves are folded around a central axis, overlapping each other at their margins, e.g.,Lilium, Fritillaria; and
2.The tunicated type, where the outerleaves,usually thin, membranous and dry,are large and completely ensheath the inner portions and the central axis of the bulb like a tnnic, e.g., Allium, Narcissus, Tulipa and Hyacinthus
Spider lily, Football lilly, Rain lily, Tiger lily asiatic lily, Iris lily, gladiolous, tuberose lily rajnigandha, tulip and many more kinds of lilies are used to beautify a piece of land for gardening or a garden pot.
Bulbs generally used as container plants are also used as a flower border in ground planting. lilies are used in ground planting as a flower border or as large beds in landscaping
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