ADMISSION एडमिशन Agriculture एग्रीकल्चर, Horticulture हॉरटीकल्चर, Forestry फॉरेस्ट्री, Sericulture सेरीकल्चर
ICAR’s AIEEA (PG) -- Application process generally begins in
March for JUNE exams. Last year exams were held on Sep-23, 2020 Public Notice
is generally published by NTA 2-3 months before exams. AIEEA(PG) entrance ICAR
exam AGRICULTURE एग्रीकल्चर Horticulture हॉरटीकल्चर, Forestry फॉरेस्ट्री,
Sericulture सेरीकल्चर एडमिशन ADMISSION ke liye ICAR’s AIEEA (UG) 2021
All India Entrance Examination for Admission (AIEEA)-UG is conducted for
admission to Bachelor Degree programmes in Agriculture and allied sciences (other
than veterinary sciences), at Agricultural Universities (e g PREVIOUS SESSION %
seats) on 15% of the University seats (100% seats in RLB CAU Jhansi, NDRI
National Talent Scholarship (NTS) for students admitted through AIEEA-UG
conducted by ICAR, is awarded in ICAR-AU System, to Under Graduate level UG
students nominated by ICAR who get admission in state AU other than their
HOME-state. National Talent Scholarship (NTS) of Rs.3000/- per month provided
they join Bachelor degree programme in an AU located in a state different from
their state of domicile (Fellowship rate as on Jan, 2019)
It was earlier conducted by ICAR (आई.सी.ए.आर.) Indian Council of
Agricultural Research भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद Since 2019
it is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA), under the Ministry of
Education, Govt. of India
Till 2018 ICAR’s All India Entrance Examinations for Admission for an Academic
Session was conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) भारतीय
कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद (आई.सी.ए.आर.) ICAR is under administrative control
of Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) established by the
Ministry of Agriculture. एन टी ए (नैशनल टेस्टिंग एजेन्सी) National Testing Agency (NTA) is an
autonomous organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of
KHARIF season 2018-19 न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य (एम एस पी) रुपए प्रति क्विन्टल Minimum Support Price (MSP) for kharif crops season that are to be marketed in 2019-20 Govt increased Minimum Support Price खरीफ KHARIF मे फसलो का लागत का डेढ़ गुना न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य दिया MSP increased by 1.5 times the cost of cultivation KHARIF season 2019-20 न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य (एम एस पी) रुपए प्रति क्विन्टल Minimum Support Price (MSP) for kharif crops season that are to be marketed in 2019-20 Minimum Support/Procurement Price is Recommended by CACP and Fixed by Government. Pradhan Mantri KisanSamman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) and Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) are important schemes for farmers. Price Support Scheme (PSS), Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS) and Private Procurement & Stockist Scheme (PPSS) are sub-schemes under Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA)
1. Surinder Pal Singh Khangura, 5 G, Sarabha Nagar, Opp. PAU-Punjab Agricultural University - Gate No. 2, Ferozepur Road, Ludhiana, Phone 0161-5083707; 0161-2450773; 0161-2453708
2. Garg Seed Corporation, SCO Number 7G, Opposite PAU Gate No 2, Ferozepur Road, Ludhiana, Phone 0161-2451220
3.Prabhat Seed Traders 49‐50, Ind., Area, Sector‐2, Kurukshetra, ,Phone 01744-292684; 01744-231684
4.KAMBOJ EXPORT, Bajaj Market Indri, Karnal,Phone-0184-2270938
गेहूँ बीज wheat seeds for timely sown irrigated condition in northern region Unnat PBW 343,PBW 343,Unnat PBW 550,PBW 550,PBW 725,PBW 677,Pusa Gautami (HD 3086),WH 1105,HD 2967, PBW 621,DPW 621-50(PBW 621 and DBW 50),WH 502,WH 542,HD 3043,WH 1025,DBW 88,WH 711,WH 1142,DBW17, HD 2189 ਕਣਕ

कनक बीज PBW 725 variety of wheat gehun kanak is resistant to yellow and brown rust. It matures in about 154 days. Its average yield is 22.9 Qtl/Acre. This bread wheat variety PBW 725 is is a double dwarf variety with an average plant height of 105 cm
MP sharbati gehun is known to all of us. Unnat Halana(K9423),BHU35,CBW38, RAJ 3765,UP-2328,MP1202,HI 8663 (Poshan),HD 2733,HD 2687(Pusa Shresth),HD 2888 (Pusa Wheat 107),HD 7882 (Vidisha),HD2864(Urja),HD 2985 (Pusa Basant),HD2985,HD2189,HD 2987(Pusa Bahar), HD 2851, HD 2894, HD 2932 (Pusa Wheat 111), HD 2189, , HD 3059 (Pusa Pachheti), DBW 71,PBW 550, DBW 17, UP 2425, UP 2572, PBW 226, PBW 502 PBW 373, PBW 658, PBW 590, PBW 660, DBW 16, and WR 544 (Pusa Gold) are some other good varieties.KUNDAN 1532, HD 3070, HD 3016 are examples of timely sown rainfed wheat variety. Pusa Kiran or HS 542, VL 804 , VL Gehun 829, VL Gehun 892, VL Gehun 832 and VL Gehun 907 are cultivated in northern mountain belts
Wheat गेहूँ KANAK ਕਣਕ GEHUN ATTA roti ata Chapati retail prices of atta in some markets of Delhi. wheat FLOUR i.e.ATTA aata is available in retail markets at a price of Rs.40-45/kg and that too of reputed brands like Aashirwad, Shaktibhog, Annapurna and Pillsbury.Does it means that when a farmer wants to get maximum return on investment,he requires to set up his own attta chakki for processing wheat to make flour,and then retail the same at a price of Rs.35-40/kg ATTA. Apart from this by adding a VALUABLE word ORGANIC he may sell wheat flour upto the price of Rs.97/kg.DURUM wheat variety HD 4713 (Pusa Wheat 110), WHD 943, PDW 291 and HD 4728 or Pusa Malvi with high gluten content is used for making pasta,semolina and macaroni. Low in gluten, Dicoccum wheat variety for pasta and bread also controls the sugar as well as cholesterol level in blood. Giloy ki dandi,a kachchi haldi and a piece of aloevera mixed with fresh WHEAT GRASS juice is a popular health drink nowadays e.g. of dicoccum wheat variety HW 1098 or Nilgiri Khapli गेहूँ
Procurement intervention schemes made for implementation in agricultural markets, by the Government, to pay farmers for their losses whenever prices of farm produce fall below a minimum support price fixed is the most required policy. It could either be payment of the difference between MSP and the prevailing average price of a particular crop, or direct procurement by the Government.
एम एस पी Minimum Support/Procurement Price is Recommended by CACP and Fixed by Government रुपए प्रति क्विन्टल Minimum Support Price (MSP) फसलो का लागत का डेढ़ गुना न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य (एम एस पी) देने का एलान Farmers shall be more than happy when minimum support prices for kharif crops are set at 1.5 times the C2 measurement method of cost of cultivation.

Agricultural productivity can be increased by using efficient cropping patterns and water-use mechanisms

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) is a flagship irrigation programme of the Govt. of India.
Maximum attention is given to drip and micro-irrigation projects.
Micro Irrigation systems utilize both pressure compensating and non-pressure compensating in-line dripper lines and micro sprinklers.Micro Irrigation Head unit consists of irrigation controller attached to assembly of Y or T Type Screen Filter,Venturi Injector for fertigation etc.Irrigation controller such as digital sequence cum cycle timer with digital temperature controller for a drip irrigation system is used to automate the watering for a drip Irrigation system.Some are available with programming features that allow each valve to be programmed independently from the others so that each zone can have independent schedules, start times, and watering durations is preferred.Pressure gauges are used to ensure that the drip system, filter system and pump operate at the correct pressure.Valves and controllers are used to deriving the maximum benefit from a drip irrigation system.Main line drip tubing or or mainline pipe to convey water from source to the sub-main in drip irrigation are made up of PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) or PE (Polyethylene) pipe.Submain line in drip irrigation system is a PVC pipe line that takes water from main line and supply water to the laterals.Irrigation control valve box seen as circular and rectangular valve box protects valves from damage due to lawn mowers and other garden equipments
Its just an attempt to make basic information related to day to day farming, available to farmers kisan jamindar khedut jimidar krishak growers. CLICK may be of use to farmers at some point of farming package of practice implementation time.Delhi based freelance agroconsultant Somesh Jha, M.Sc.(Agri.) Plant Pathology, offers Gardening Classes and Agroconsultancy Services. WORK EXPERIENCE in the sector of AGRO,RETAIL and AGRI Business with a total of experience over 15 years. Also, served as a former employee in agribusiness, agro-based and retail companies like Vishal Retail, Reliance Retail, Aadhaar Retailing(Future Group),Godrej Agrovet Ltd., Pragya (NGO) at various managerial levels
A bumber crop and assured returns over its cost of cultivation is what makes any farmer happy. Let's take transplanted paddy as an example. Farmers spend money in agricultural land preparation, seed, seed treatment, fertilizer, herbicide, pesticides, other inputs applied at the time of last puddling and later 10, 30, 45 and 60 days after transplanting. MSP announcements made by the Government, based on the rcommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP), gives significant returns over A2+FL costs for many crops (though it does not accounts for fixed costs).
A farmer calculates returns by considering various FIXED costs including imputed rental value of owned land (estimated value since actual value may not be available), depreciation and interests on value of owned fixed capital assets and VARIABLE costs of cultivation such as imputed value of family labour, hired labour, value of agricultural inputs such as manure, seed, seed treatment, fertilizer, herbicide, pesticides, irrigation expenses, and rent of farm equipments, depreciation of farm implements and farm buildings, rent paid for leased land (in case of land on lease) and the interest on working capital
Let me share some articles from this India Today magazine June 01,1998 issue which i bought with interest when i was a 4th year student of B.Sc.(Agri.). Having worked for so many years,now,i must say that there were ans still there are agro tycoons in Punjab. India has gradually emerged as a low-cost supplier farm produce to western countries. The export of farm produce has caught the fancy of leading industrialists too.
Sh.Amarinder Preet Singh Kahai found agriculture as a business,more lucrative than white-collar jobs and is growing imported strawberry crop since 1995 at GG Farms, Mangarh, Punjab.Uvie’s Strawberries are sweet-juicy and its quality control and hygiene during post harvest handling is ensured
Farming might turn out to be a profitable business in future for those kisan too who have small landholdings and sell their farm produce in domestic local mandis,but at present it is not so. Marketing and delays in payments make farming a non-viable agribusiness.
Sh.Gurwinder Singh Sohi owns RTS flowers in Nanowal Khurd,Fatehgarh Sahib,Punjab.He is an example of present generation agro tycoons in Punjab.Some first-generation entrepreneurs have also emerged as global leaders in agri-business. When we take a look back,we find Sh.Avtar Singh Dhindsa from Sangrur,Punjab exports flower seeds to a number of countries
farmers are emerging as agro tycoons in other regions as well.
When imported agricultural produce flood domestic markets it leads to price crash.Farmers who have cultivated those crops locally are the biggest losers then.
Price fluctuations is a big challenge for vegetable growers.
When Punjab's farmers' found wheat and paddy more lucrative, this agro tycoon Sh.Jang Bahadur Singh Sangha scaled up potato farming by changing traditional seed potato production by isolating disease-free clones of potato varieties and became India’s single-largest seed potato grower.
Rs. 58,080 crore budgetary allocation to Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Ministry for the year 2018-19 कृषि उत्पादो का निर्यात, ऑपरेशन ग्रीन, मछली पालन, पशु पालन, कृषि प्रोसेसिगं, कृषि बाजार, हाट, मेगा फूड पार्क इस बार के बजट मे खास स्थान रखते है
operation green, creating fund for animal husbandry and fisheries and upgrading agri-market infrastructure are good initiatives बजट 2018-19 मे किसानो को खरीफ फसल की लागत का डेढ़ गुना न्यूनतम समरथन मूल्य देने का एलान MSP is to be increased. Minimum Support/Procurement Price is Recommended by CACP and Fixed by Government. Otherwise, scenario is much different for an average farmer.
Vegetable crops are risk-prone but more lucrative farming.Cloud computing is the delivery of on-demand computing resources—everything from applications to data centers—over the internet on a pay-for-use basis(Info Source:IBM Cloud website). cloud computing services fall into three broad categories: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (Saas).Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and more—over the Internet (the cloud). Companies offering these computing services are called cloud providers and typically charge for cloud computing services based on usage (Info Source:Microsoft Azure website).
wikipedia lets us know that cluster of servers in a network diagram,in the old programs that drew network schematics surrounded the icons for servers with a circle, had several overlapping circles, which resembled a cloud. Cloud computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data.Otherwise, data is stored, managed and processed on a local server or a personal computer

smoke……fog……smog….. crop residues burning smoke … Fasal avshesh parali ... burning of crop residues in field…….. Let’s not forget that crop residues also contain biological control agents. Progressive farming should take care of natural farming components too फसल अवशेषों में आग लगाने से पर्यावरण प्रदूषण, भूमि की उर्वरा शक्ति नष्ट होती है

agricultural waste can be converted into usable fodder or biofuels
subsidised machinery required for in situ management of the crop residue. Subsidies may be provided to individual farmers, cooperative societies, farmer groups and gram panchayats to purchase machines such as seeders and rotavators to deal with farm residue in a manner that does not require it to be burnt

PHED Harda Recruitment 2018 notification to fill 120 Vacancies of Handpump Technician.