protein and carbohydrates are essential in body building alongwith EXERCISE..and TRAINING.PROTEIN - GHAR KI MURGI daal barabar. ..........DAL mein PROTEIN murgi barabar.The powdered supplement form of protein allows the athlete to provide to the muscle building process much more protein that is ordinarily needed which accelerates the process of muscle construction
pulses sown in the kharif rainy season
ARHAR अरहर तूर फसल तुअर दाल red gram Pigeonpea
red gram or tur dal or arhar or tuver or pigeon pea or Cajanus cajan,a drought tolerant pulse,a source of food, fuel and income to farm families in the Indian villages. It gives them good harvests and enriches the soil for the next crop
arhar dal is poor people's meat for its 18-25 percent protein content which is considered high.Nothing goes to waste from tuver plant

Farmers also use the stalks as firewood, weave them into baskets, build houses and fences with them, and feed the leftovers to their animals
Pigeonpea variety Pusa 991 grown in Delhi NCR is suitable for rainfed and salinity prone areas.Arhar dal variety PAU 881 is another popular variety of pigeonpea.Tur dal or arhar or tuver or pigeon pea or Cajanus cajan variety VL Arhar1 is popular in northern mountain belts
arhar varieties are Andhra Pradesh ICPL-87199,ICPL-87, LRG-30, ICPL-8863,Assam Bahar, Pusa-9Bihar Bahar, Pusa-9,DA-11, Virsha Arhar-1, LaxmiGujarat BDN-2, GT-100, ICPL-8863, ICPL-87119, ICPH-8Haryana Manak, Paras, ICPL-151, UPAS-120, ICPL-88039, Pusa-885Karnataka ICPL-87119, ICPL-8863, ICPL-87, ICPL-84301 Punjab Manak, Paras, ICPL-151,PPH-4 (Hybrid),UPAS-120, Al-201, AL-15 Rajasthan Manak, UPAS-120, Pusa-33, Pusa -855 Tamil Nadu ICPL -87119, ICPL-8863, ICPL-87, Co-6, Durga, COH-2, Vamban-1Uttar Pradesh UPAS-120, Type-21, ICPL-151, ICPL-88039, Narendra, Amar-1, Amar, Azad, Type-7 Pusa -855,Madhya Pradesh JA-4, UPAS-120, ICPL-87119, BDN-2, KM-7, C-11, NPWR-15,BSMR-730Maharashtr a ICPL-87119, BSMR-736, BSMR-75, ICPL-87, ICPL-8863, AKPH-4101,Orissa ICPL-87119, ICPL-87 UPAS-120 West Bengal Bahar, Pusa-9, Sweta, B-517, S-20North Eastern State Bahar, Pusa-9
rice bean or Sutari or Naurangi or Vigna umbellata is a nutritionally rich legume as compared to many other legumes.RICEBEAN IS DIFFERENT FROM KIDNEY BEAN.rajma is very sensitive to high temperature.
SOYBEAN सोयाबीन
Soybean grains are of two colors,white and black color.Regular white grain are Pusa 9712 (DS 9712),Pusa DS 9814,Pusa Soybean 12 (DS 12-13),Pusa 14 (DS 2614,SL-958, SL-744 are SL-525.VL Soya 65 is an example of black soyabean

soyabean SL 958 takes about 142 days to mature and its average yield is 7.3 quintal grains per acre.It is a high yielding and yellow mosaic resistant variety of soybean.It has shinning, light yellow colored grains with black hilum. Its grains contain 41.7 per cent protein and 20.2 per cent oil.
सोयाबीन आरवीएस 2001-4 Soyabean variety Raj Vijay Soybean 2001-04(RVS 2001-4) recommended for rainfed areas of Madhya Pradesh matures in 92-95 days.This variety was released by Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya,Gwalior which is the other Agricultural University in M.P. established by bifurcating the JNKVV, Jabalpur
Pusa Soybean 12 (DS 12-13) is a high yielding bold seeded variety with 19.60% oil content.Pusa soyabean12 possesses resistance against yellow mosaic virus (YMV) and major fungal diseases Rhizoctonia Arial blight (RAB) and Bacterial Pustule (BP)
Nitrogen supply in soybean crop may be supplemented by treating soybean seed rhizobium bacterial culture at the time of sowing.
Seed rate of 25-30 kg/acre is applied in soybean farming.Soybean can be grown in well drained sandy loam to clay soil with medium water holding capacity,with pH range of 6.5 to 7.5
Poorly drained soil with excessive salts are not suitable for soybean cultivation.Soybean varieties SL-958, SL-744, SL-525 are resistant to yellow mosaic virus.
Pusa Soybean 12 (DS 12-13) and Pusa 14 (DS 2614) are good in yield(more than 8 Qtl/Acre),protien around 40 per cent and Oil content is around 20 percent.SL 958 and SL 744 are other good varities of soybean yielding more than 7Qtl/Acre.
groundnut मूंगफली Mungfalee or Peanut or Arachis hypogaea
Groundnut or Peanut or Arachis hypogaea varieties which are bunch type such as SG 99 yield around 10 Qtl/Acre pods while spreading type variety such as M 522 yield around 10 Qtl/Acre pods
Seed rate of groundnut is 38 kg kernels/acre for M 522 and SG 84.Seeds rate for SG 99 is 40 kg/acre
groundnut seed may be treted before sowing with Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 12.5 ml per kg kernels.Make a thin layer of kernels on tarpaulin or floor and spray the insecticide with help of sprayer. Mix it properly and allow to dry in shade. The seed should be further treated with 5 g Thiram or 3 g of Mancozeb per kg of kernels
Attack of insect pest whitegrub in groundnut crop may be prevented by applying granular insecticides in the soil before or at the time of sowing
Groundnut exhibit about 60 % shelling out turn
Mung मूंग for summer sowing…SML 668 yields around 4.5 Qtl/Acre and this variety is tolerant to mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) disease and thrips.Certified Moong seeds variety SML-668 is best suited after wheat harvesting.seed inoculation with bio-fertilizers namely Rhizobium and PSB phosphate solubilizing bacteria helps fixing provides N,P nutrients in moong bean. Inoculate the summer moong seed with biofertilizer at the time of sowing. Fertilizer should be applied as per soil test report or apply 10 kg urea and 100 kg single superphosphate per acre at the time of sowing to moong.CLICK to know more
summer moong
मूंग moong variety Pusa Vishal in different combinations of rice varieties demonstrated that Rice - Wheat - Moong gives higher returns.Another,summer mung or मूंग mung variety for March sowing Pusa 0672 seeds are medium sized attractive
Urad Dal or Black Gram or urd or Mash Vigna mungo
Kali urad i.e.Vigna mungo is also one of the winter grown pulse crops in many regions.
summer mash
urad dal Azad Urd-1(KU-92-1) can be sown in spring season also as summer crop
Summer Mash bean variety Mash1008 yields about 4.5 quintal per acre.It matures in about 75 days
Lentil or Masur variety LL 931 yields around 4.8 quintals per acre.It matures in 146 days.It can be sown during winter
pulses sown in the rabi winter season
LENTIL मसूर masoor
Pusa Masur 5 (Lentil 4594) has medium growth habit, small seeded orange cotyledon

मसूर दाल Masur lentil L4594 matures in 130-135 days

chana dal चना दाल is split and polished form of brown chickpeas gram Chole छोले दाल
Pusa 1103 (Desi) is suitable for late sown condition in Delhi NCR. It starts flowering in 65 days after sowing, and the total duration of the crop from seed to seed varies from 117 to 135 days under field conditions. The plants of this variety grow to a height of 65 cm with erect growth habit
CHANA Chickpea Bengal Gram BGD 72 yields high and matures in about 110-115 days
Pusa256 chickpea grains are bold and brown in color that matures in 145-150 days
PBG7 is a high yielding variety of desi gram.PDG 4 plants are erect with dark green foliage has bold seeds and matures in about 160 days with average yield of 7.8 Qtl/Acre
Bengal gram 547 chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a suitable variety for late sown condition in north western plain zone
Pusa 5028 Bheema Desi chickpea is high yielding bold seeded variety
Pusa Green 112 is a high yielding desi green seeded chickpea variety
चना chickpea gram Chole छोले Chhole Kala chana Pusa Chickpea1103 has field tolerance to drought and soil borne diseases
large seeded kabuli chickpea Pusa 2085 (Kabuli) has multiple disease resistance against dry root rot and stunt; moderately resistant to wilt and botrytis gray mold and tolerant to collar rot
काबुली चना Kabuli gram Chana Chole सफेद छोले Safed Chana White Chhole Pusa-2024 (Kabuli) is suitable for irrigated and rainfed situations as well
सफ़ेद चना काबुली चना Kabuli gram Chana Chole Safed Chana White Chhole kabuli chickpea L 552 are creamy white in appearance with good culinary properties. Its average yield is 7.3 quintals per acre.It is early in flowering and matures in 157 days
chickpea Pusa 5023 (Pusa Shaktiman) is extra large seeded kabuli type grown in northern India
Pusa Shaktiman chickpea kabuli chana has excellent cooking quality and extra-bold seed size
Light speckled kidney bean is known as Rajma Chitra or chitra white rajma
Kashmiri rajma are dark red kidney beans
KIDNEY BEAN rajma राजमा rajmah or Phaseolus vulgaris yield in about 90-100 days.
fieldpea मटर दाल split pea dal सूखे मटर peas
fieldpea मटर दाल split pea dal सूखे मटर yellow peas Matar varieties are Pusa Prabhat (DDR 23),Pusa Panna (DDR 27) Pusa Mukta (DDR 55)
Arkel variety of garden pea and Matar GP 473 of garden peas are widely grown.Among private company garden pea Golden Peas GS-10 of UPL company is well known
pulses sown in the kharif rainy season
ARHAR अरहर तूर फसल तुअर दाल red gram Pigeonpea
red gram or tur dal or arhar or tuver or pigeon pea or Cajanus cajan,a drought tolerant pulse,a source of food, fuel and income to farm families in the Indian villages. It gives them good harvests and enriches the soil for the next crop
arhar dal is poor people's meat for its 18-25 percent protein content which is considered high.Nothing goes to waste from tuver plant

Farmers also use the stalks as firewood, weave them into baskets, build houses and fences with them, and feed the leftovers to their animals
तूर फसल bushes serve as barriers along field borders preventing soil
erosion and animals from destroying crops.This crop is also used as trap
crop in cotton fields to trap eggs of insect american bollworm Heliothis armigera
Pigeonpea variety Pusa 991 grown in Delhi NCR is suitable for rainfed and salinity prone areas.Arhar dal variety PAU 881 is another popular variety of pigeonpea.Tur dal or arhar or tuver or pigeon pea or Cajanus cajan variety VL Arhar1 is popular in northern mountain belts

arhar varieties are Andhra Pradesh ICPL-87199,ICPL-87, LRG-30, ICPL-8863,Assam Bahar, Pusa-9Bihar Bahar, Pusa-9,DA-11, Virsha Arhar-1, LaxmiGujarat BDN-2, GT-100, ICPL-8863, ICPL-87119, ICPH-8Haryana Manak, Paras, ICPL-151, UPAS-120, ICPL-88039, Pusa-885Karnataka ICPL-87119, ICPL-8863, ICPL-87, ICPL-84301 Punjab Manak, Paras, ICPL-151,PPH-4 (Hybrid),UPAS-120, Al-201, AL-15 Rajasthan Manak, UPAS-120, Pusa-33, Pusa -855 Tamil Nadu ICPL -87119, ICPL-8863, ICPL-87, Co-6, Durga, COH-2, Vamban-1Uttar Pradesh UPAS-120, Type-21, ICPL-151, ICPL-88039, Narendra, Amar-1, Amar, Azad, Type-7 Pusa -855,Madhya Pradesh JA-4, UPAS-120, ICPL-87119, BDN-2, KM-7, C-11, NPWR-15,BSMR-730Maharashtr
ricebean or Vigna umbellata requires hot and humid season. Ricebean matures in around 140 days and RBL6,VRB-3,PRR1, PRR2 are popular varieties.Rice bean has emerged as a potential legume because of its nutritional value.Variety RBL6 fields around 6 Qtl/Acre in 125 days
rice bean or Sutari or Naurangi or Vigna umbellata is a nutritionally rich legume as compared to many other legumes.RICEBEAN IS DIFFERENT FROM KIDNEY BEAN.rajma is very sensitive to high temperature.
Grown in winters,rajma KIDNEY BEAN rajmah or Phaseolus vulgaris yield in 90-100 days.Light speckled kidney bean is known as Rajma Chitra or chitra white rajma whereas, Kashmiri rajma are dark red kidney beans
SOYBEAN सोयाबीन
Soybean grains are of two colors,white and black color.Regular white grain are Pusa 9712 (DS 9712),Pusa DS 9814,Pusa Soybean 12 (DS 12-13),Pusa 14 (DS 2614,SL-958, SL-744 are SL-525.VL Soya 65 is an example of black soyabean

soyabean SL 958 takes about 142 days to mature and its average yield is 7.3 quintal grains per acre.It is a high yielding and yellow mosaic resistant variety of soybean.It has shinning, light yellow colored grains with black hilum. Its grains contain 41.7 per cent protein and 20.2 per cent oil.
सोयाबीन आरवीएस 2001-4 Soyabean variety Raj Vijay Soybean 2001-04(RVS 2001-4) recommended for rainfed areas of Madhya Pradesh matures in 92-95 days.This variety was released by Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya,Gwalior which is the other Agricultural University in M.P. established by bifurcating the JNKVV, Jabalpur
Pusa Soybean 12 (DS 12-13) is a high yielding bold seeded variety with 19.60% oil content.Pusa soyabean12 possesses resistance against yellow mosaic virus (YMV) and major fungal diseases Rhizoctonia Arial blight (RAB) and Bacterial Pustule (BP)
Nitrogen supply in soybean crop may be supplemented by treating soybean seed rhizobium bacterial culture at the time of sowing.
Seed rate of 25-30 kg/acre is applied in soybean farming.Soybean can be grown in well drained sandy loam to clay soil with medium water holding capacity,with pH range of 6.5 to 7.5
Poorly drained soil with excessive salts are not suitable for soybean cultivation.Soybean varieties SL-958, SL-744, SL-525 are resistant to yellow mosaic virus.
Pusa Soybean 12 (DS 12-13) and Pusa 14 (DS 2614) are good in yield(more than 8 Qtl/Acre),protien around 40 per cent and Oil content is around 20 percent.SL 958 and SL 744 are other good varities of soybean yielding more than 7Qtl/Acre.
groundnut मूंगफली Mungfalee or Peanut or Arachis hypogaea
Groundnut or Peanut or Arachis hypogaea varieties which are bunch type such as SG 99 yield around 10 Qtl/Acre pods while spreading type variety such as M 522 yield around 10 Qtl/Acre pods
Seed rate of groundnut is 38 kg kernels/acre for M 522 and SG 84.Seeds rate for SG 99 is 40 kg/acre
groundnut seed may be treted before sowing with Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 12.5 ml per kg kernels.Make a thin layer of kernels on tarpaulin or floor and spray the insecticide with help of sprayer. Mix it properly and allow to dry in shade. The seed should be further treated with 5 g Thiram or 3 g of Mancozeb per kg of kernels
Attack of insect pest whitegrub in groundnut crop may be prevented by applying granular insecticides in the soil before or at the time of sowing
Groundnut exhibit about 60 % shelling out turn
green gram mung मूंग दाल Pusa 9531 is suitable for Summer
as well as Kharif season sowing.
Pusa 9531 mung yields around 4-4.5 q/acre in 55- 60 days
Sowing of summer moong is done in March-April.summer
mung or मूंग moong variety
SML 832 grains are green, medium sized and very shining.It bears pods in
clusters and possesses early and synchronous maturity of 60 days.Its average
yield is 4.6 q/acre. sathi moong sowing is normally complete by April
Mung मूंग for summer sowing…SML 668 yields around 4.5 Qtl/Acre and this variety is tolerant to mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) disease and thrips.Certified Moong seeds variety SML-668 is best suited after wheat harvesting.seed inoculation with bio-fertilizers namely Rhizobium and PSB phosphate solubilizing bacteria helps fixing provides N,P nutrients in moong bean. Inoculate the summer moong seed with biofertilizer at the time of sowing. Fertilizer should be applied as per soil test report or apply 10 kg urea and 100 kg single superphosphate per acre at the time of sowing to moong.CLICK to know more
Approx.15 kg mung seed
is sufficient to sow 1 Acre land.Herbicide Pendimethalin 30 EC e.g. Stomp ,BASF
@ 1.0 litre 150-200 litres of water may be sprayed per acre within two days of
sowing. Use flat fan or flood jet nozzle for this purpose
kharif moong varieties for JULY sowing yield
between 4-5 q/acre in 3 months of field life. मूंग
दाल PAU 911, ML 2056, ML
818 and ML 613 are popular varieties
summer moong
मूंग moong variety Pusa Vishal in different combinations of rice varieties demonstrated that Rice - Wheat - Moong gives higher returns.Another,summer mung or मूंग mung variety for March sowing Pusa 0672 seeds are medium sized attractive
Urad Dal or Black Gram or urd or Mash Vigna mungo
IPU-94-1(uttara), Mash-338 and Mash 114 are examples of kharif mash variety which are sown in June- July.
Kali urad i.e.Vigna mungo is also one of the winter grown pulse crops in many regions.
उड़द मैश दाल mash dal छिलके वाली उड़द दाल maa ki dal Chilka Urad dal Split black Urad dal
summer mash
urad dal Azad Urd-1(KU-92-1) can be sown in spring season also as summer crop
Summer Mash bean variety Mash1008 yields about 4.5 quintal per acre.It matures in about 75 days
Lentil or Masur variety LL 931 yields around 4.8 quintals per acre.It matures in 146 days.It can be sown during winter
pulses sown in the rabi winter season
LENTIL मसूर masoor
Pusa Masur 5 (Lentil 4594) has medium growth habit, small seeded orange cotyledon

मसूर दाल Masur lentil L4594 matures in 130-135 days
Pusa Vaibhav L4147 or pusa lentil4147 has smaller grain seed size but is rich i n Iron
Pusa Lentil 4147 is resistant to wilt and rust and matures in 120-125 days.It yields around 5 Qtl/Acre

Pusa Shivalik Lentil-4076 masur dal grains are of preferred seed size and taste...hence it fetches more price
masoor LENTIL Massar masur dal साबुत मसूर दाल malka masoor मलका मसूर
धुली मसूर dhuli masur varieties such as Pusa Masur 5 (Lentil 4594),Pusa
Vaibhav Lentil-4147,Pusa Shivalik Lentil-4076 and VL Masoor 129 are popular

chana dal चना दाल is split and polished form of brown chickpeas gram Chole छोले दाल
Pusa 1103 (Desi) is suitable for late sown condition in Delhi NCR. It starts flowering in 65 days after sowing, and the total duration of the crop from seed to seed varies from 117 to 135 days under field conditions. The plants of this variety grow to a height of 65 cm with erect growth habit
CHANA Chickpea Bengal Gram BGD 72 yields high and matures in about 110-115 days
Pusa256 chickpea grains are bold and brown in color that matures in 145-150 days
PBG7 is a high yielding variety of desi gram.PDG 4 plants are erect with dark green foliage has bold seeds and matures in about 160 days with average yield of 7.8 Qtl/Acre
Bengal gram 547 chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a suitable variety for late sown condition in north western plain zone
Pusa 5028 Bheema Desi chickpea is high yielding bold seeded variety
Pusa Green 112 is a high yielding desi green seeded chickpea variety
चना chickpea gram Chole छोले Chhole Kala chana Pusa Chickpea1103 has field tolerance to drought and soil borne diseases
kabuli chickpea सफ़ेद चना काबुली चना Kabuli gram Chana Chole
safed chana सफेद छोले White Chhole kabuli chickpea Pusa 2085 (Kabuli) seeds are of uniform size, attractive and shinning in light creamy color
large seeded kabuli chickpea Pusa 2085 (Kabuli) has multiple disease resistance against dry root rot and stunt; moderately resistant to wilt and botrytis gray mold and tolerant to collar rot
काबुली चना Kabuli gram Chana Chole सफेद छोले Safed Chana White Chhole Pusa-2024 (Kabuli) is suitable for irrigated and rainfed situations as well
सफ़ेद चना काबुली चना Kabuli gram Chana Chole Safed Chana White Chhole kabuli chickpea L 552 are creamy white in appearance with good culinary properties. Its average yield is 7.3 quintals per acre.It is early in flowering and matures in 157 days
chickpea Pusa 5023 (Pusa Shaktiman) is extra large seeded kabuli type grown in northern India
Pusa Shaktiman chickpea kabuli chana has excellent cooking quality and extra-bold seed size
rajma राजमा KIDNEY BEAN rajmah or Phaseolus vulgaris is very sensitive to high temperature therefore it is sown in winter season
Light speckled kidney bean is known as Rajma Chitra or chitra white rajma
Kashmiri rajma are dark red kidney beans
KIDNEY BEAN rajma राजमा rajmah or Phaseolus vulgaris yield in about 90-100 days.
fieldpea मटर दाल split pea dal सूखे मटर peas
fieldpea मटर दाल split pea dal सूखे मटर yellow peas Matar varieties are Pusa Prabhat (DDR 23),Pusa Panna (DDR 27) Pusa Mukta (DDR 55)
Arkel variety of garden pea and Matar GP 473 of garden peas are widely grown.Among private company garden pea Golden Peas GS-10 of UPL company is well known
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