लंगूर बंदर monkeys n langurs are fond of corn too !!!
Monkey बंदर have lost their fear of humans and become garden,farm and orchard pests.

Monkey and Bird Repeller machines are some methods of electronic pest management while beating drums and using domestic pet dogs for combating the menace of birds and monkeys
corn maize makki bhutta chhalli varieties of PAU namely
PMH 1 and PMH 2 are hybrids whereas Kesri, Parbhat and Punjab Sweet Corn 1 are
composites.Maize variety PMH 1 ears are medium long with yellow orange flint
grains. Its average yield is 21 quintals per acre and matures in 95 days
makki corn bhutta chhalli spring corn hybrid variety DuPont Pioneer 31Y45 and
DuPont Pioneer P1844,an early maturity spring hybrid responds positively to
higher plant population per acre enabling very high yield of grain or green
भूटटा छल्ली मक्का PMH 1,PMH 2, PMH-7, PMH-8, PMH 10, Pioneer 31Y45, Pioneer P1844 DKC-9108 are popular as spring maize. Kharif maize variety PMH1, PMH2 can be sown in spring season as well.
bhutta chhalli corn makka makki PMH 9 is for rabi winter
sowing matures in 180 days and its average yield is reported to be 32.5 qunital
per acre
Maize varieties Vivek Sankul Makka 31,Vivek QPM 9,VL
Amber popcorn and VL Babycorn 1 are popular in northern mountain belts.

बेबी कार्न young unfertilized corns are known as babycorn.
Detasseling means removing the tassel of the plant as soon as it emerges from the flag leaf.Leaves should not be removed during detasseling operation.
Baby corn is the young ear of female inflorescence of maize plant harvested before fertilization when the silks have just emerged.Harvesting should be done when baby corn silk comes out 2-3 cm from the top of ears
Maize is also an important fodder crop which gives very
palatable, highly succulent and nutritionally rich fodder.Makki safed 1-DR was
crossed with Turpeno PB to develop J 1006 a variety suitable for fodder production.Fodder
maize J 1006 is resistant to Maydis blight, brown striped downy mildew and stem
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